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Oxy ge gen n -de defici fici en t atm os osp p h er es . . .

t h ey t ak a k e y ou o u r b r ea t h a w a y Workpl orkplace ace Heal alth th & Saf afety ety Web site: site:www.whs.gov.ab.ca

Perspe erspecti cti ve by Dr. Herb Buchwal ald d

I was there!

OH&S 25 years ago Over the years, the Alberta government’s role in occupational health and safety has developed hand in hand with the province’s growing industrial base. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, with increasing nationwide concern about environmental and occupational health and safety issues, responsibilities for oh&s were fragmented under several departmental programs. There was no legislated direction, little coordination and no identification of priorities. Recognizing this, in 1974 the Alberta government established the Gale Commission on Industrial Health and Safety to make recommendations on priorities and future directions for reducing the escalating number of workplace illnesses, illnesses, injuries and deaths. Based on this commission’s recommendations, recommendations, in April 1976 a consolidated Occupational Health and Safety Division was formed in the Department of Labour, to be supported by the new Occupational Health and Safety Actand regulations that became law in December of the same year. The commission focused focused attention on the following following priority areas: • the worker and the work site • education • occupational health services • research and development • the inspectorate (government work site inspectors) • the role of management and unions

Has anythi nything ng changed? Now, 26 years later, Alberta’s workplaces are again subject to an escalating number of injuries and deaths that have reached unacceptable proportions. Is history repeating itself or can there be some other reason for this trend? In my opinion, both old and new factors are at work. The priorities of 1976 1976 are still valid, and there is much to be learned from reviewing them in the light of present-day present-day workplace organization organization and practices. Admittedl Admittedly, y, the labour force and the t he number of workplace workplacess have increased significantly. Many workers are holding down more than one job. The number of part-time and contract workers workers has also increased, while the number receiving some form of labour union protection has been markedly reduced. Research is desperately needed to identify the kind of work and the nature of the workplaces that give rise to the greatestt risks of injury and death. Death should not necesgreates sarily be the major determinant of priority for preventive action. Deaths represent only the visible tip of an iceberg whose base of debilitating debilitating injury, human costs and other losses largely remains unseen by the general public. Research needs to be extended to determine which preventive initiatives are likely to be successful in different working environments. environments. Age, gender, gender, education, training and experience of workers are factors that need to be considered. circ*msta circ*mstances nces surrounding the cause and prevention ofThe industrial accidents have many similarities to motor vehicle accidents. accidents. Education, operator operator experience, equipment design and maintenance, weather, visibility, individual habits and attention factors, as well as knowledge of the rules and regulations (law) and 2


enforcement of law, are some of the variables that play a part in the genesis of an accident. Drivers (or workers) worke rs) have confidence and belief in their own infallibility and ability to avoid accidents. How wrong they are!

Compl pliiance works with educati tion on There is no doubt that a police presence ensures complicompliance with the law in most cases. The appointment of a Crown prosecutor to facilitate all prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Actis a major step forward, as are the greatly increased penalties for violation of the Act and regulations. However, these are after-the-fact measures generally general ly applied to fatal and other very serious accidents or habitual violators of the law. What needs to be done to prevent non-compliance with the law when workers are not aware of what the law says? Often workers are too intimidated by their employers and co-workers to find out what their rights and responsibilities are under the law. Before 1980 there were between eight and 12 deaths annually resulting from the cave-in or collapse of unsafe trenches and excavations. In 1981 a vigorous campaign was instituted to eliminate these needless deaths. The campaign consisted of education and extensive public information, followed by regular inspection of construction sites and known excavation projects. Stop-work orders were issued and followed up at all projects not in compliance with the law. Prosecutions were initiated against employers and workers worke rs where there was clear evidence of persons working in an unsafe trench or excavation. The campaign paid off: the number of deaths was reduced r educed each year until there were none by 1985. 1985. The problem, of course, is the constant changing of workplaces, employers emplo yers and workers, thatnot thebe cautionary lessons and preventive measuressomay passed on from one generation to the next. A constant renewal of effort is needed. As the epilogue to the Gale Commission reported: “We found in Alberta a regrettable apathy towards the subject [occupational [occupational health and safety] . . . . Overcoming this apathy exhibited by worker and employer alike, is no doubt one of the greates greatestt problems facing us in the area of occupational safety and health. Education, closely linked with enforcement enforcement of well-rounded regulations, regulations, is only a start. Exposure to knowledge is of little use if willingness to learn is lacking, and it has been shown time and again that enforcement of good regulations is disregarded when the policeman is not evident.” Much has been achieved during the past 25 years, but much more remains to be done for success to be maintained.

Dr. Herb Buchwald was assistant deputy minister of the Occupational Health and Safety Division at the Department of Labour in 1976. From 1979 until he retired in 1988 he was managing director of the division through several departmental moves. For the last eight years he has been a commissioner with the Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Comp Co mpensati ensati on.



Pe r sp ecti v e

M A G A Z I N E An Alberta Alberta Human Resources and Employment publicati publi cation on

2 I Was There! by Dr. Herb Buchwald

Managing Editor – Wally Baer Editor – Juliet Kersha Kershaw w

Occupational Health & Safety Magazine is published published three ti tim mes a year, in J anuary, May and September. Magazine poli policy is guided guided by the Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Advisory Board consisting consisti ng of industry and government representati ntatives ves.

Membershi ership p on the the Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Advisory Board is open to any resident of Alberta with wit h knowledge and experience in the fiel field d of health healt h and safety, and an interest interest in communicati unicating ng healt alth h and safety inform informati ation on to the the publi blic. c. Any individual interested in joining the Board should submit a letter of application to the managing editor edit or of the the magazine (See (See below: How to contact contact us). us). The Board meets three three tim ti mes a year in Edmonton onton.. Board members do not receive remunerati neration on or rei reim mbursem*nt for expenses related to meeti etings. ngs.

S t o r i e s

6 It’s Just Different 8 Oxygen-deficient Atmospheres 10 Lockouts by Anita Jenkins

by Bill Corbett

by Nordahl Flakstad

Occupati Oc cupational onal Health Health & Safety Saf ety Magazine Magazi ne Advisory Board members: Chris Chodan Bob Cunningham Dianne Paulson Lloyd Harman Alain Alai n Langlai Langlais s Cori orinne nne Pohl Pohlm mann

Albert a Human Resources and Empl Alberta ploym oyment Communi unicati cations ons Propane Gas Association Group Alberta Constructi onstruction on Safety Associati ciation on Alberta Forest Products Associat iation ion Alberta Albert a Human Resources and Empl ploym oyment

16 Bringing Home the Hazards by Debbie Culbertson

W orkplace orkpl aceFede Healt alth hon andofSafet afety y Canadian ration rati I ndepend ent Busi Business ness

On occasion, this publication refers to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations. regulati ons. In I n the event of a discre di screpancy between statements in this t his publication publi cation and the Actt or regulations, theAc Ac Actt or regulations regulati ons take precedence. Opini pinions ons expressed in in thi this s publication publi cation are those of the writers writers and do not necessaril arily y reflect the t he views or policy of Alberta Al berta Human Resources and Emplo ploym yment or the Government of Albert Alberta. a.

Subscripti bscriptions ons to Occupational Health & Safety Magazine are available without charge by calling (780) 415-9948. When notifyi noti fying ng us of a change of address, send an address label or subscripti subscription on number with the the new address. Letters to the editor We welcome response to articles arti cles or inform i nformati ation on publishe published in in this thi s magazi zine ne, as well as suggesti stions ons for future articles. articles. We will print let letters ters to the the edit ditor or as space permits. The edit editor or reserves the right to to edit let letters. ters. Copyright is held by the Government of Alberta. Reproduction of articles in their entirety is permitted. A reproduced article must include: the author’s name; title of the article; full name of the the magazine; the date, volume and issue i ssue number of the magazine. The mag agazine azine is available asa asa PDF file file on the Internet I nternet at: at: www3.gov.ab.ca/ .gov.ab.ca/hre/ hre/wh whs/ s/publicati publications ons /m ohsm ag.htm. ag.htm . For permon ission to reprodu to excerpts of arti cle, article, please contact the agazi zine’s ne’s adm ini nistrati stration office office at (780)ce415-9948 orany whs@gov .ab.ca.

How to contact us

Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Alberta Albert a Human Resources and Employment Workpl orkplace ace Health Health and Safety Safety and Emplo ploym yment Standards Standards Compli pliance ance 10th Floor, 7th Street Plaza Pl aza - South Tower 10030 - 107 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3E4 (780) 415-9948 (780) 427-0999 (For toll-free connection within Alberta dial 310-0000 before the number) [emailprotected]

How to get more occupati ational onal health and safety inform informati ation on Look up the Workpl orkplace ace Healt alth h and Safety Web site sit e at atwww.whs.gov.ab.ca Contact the the Workpl orkplace ace Healt ealth h and Safet fety y Call Centre at 1-866-415-8690

P r o f i l e

19 Dow Defies the Odds by Norma Ramage

E r g o t i p s

14 Seven Myths About Back Pain by Ray Cislo

Mu c h

4 5 12 18 18 20 21 22 23

Mo r e

Happy 25th! News & Notes Record it Right, Report it Right Real World Solutions Web Watcher Watcher Workplace Workplac e Health & Safety (WHS) Partnerships: Pullin’ Down the Rates The Last Resort Workplace Workplac e Fatalities Fatalities

Desi sign gn and layout by McRobbie Design Group Inc. Inc. Printi Pri nting ng by Quebecor Worl orld d Edmonton Publication Publi cation Mail Agreement No. 1528572 I SSN 0705-6052 ©2002 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY MAGAZINE • SEPTEMBER 2002







“Since 1977, much has changed in in the workplace, but the one thing thing that has not is is the need for communi unicati cation on about occupati tiona onal health and saf safety.” ety.” Alberta Human Resources Alberta and Empl ploym oyment Minister, Minister, Clint Dunford

M ag az azii n e! was an important year for occupational occupational health and safety in Alberta. The Alberta government, governme nt, responding to the 1975 Gale Report, established a division devoted solely to occupational health and



safety, and brought into legislation the first Occupational Health and Safety Act. Following closely on the heels of these events, in early 1977 the first issue of Occupational Health & Safety Magazinewas published. Dr. Herb Buchwald was assistant deputy minister of the new


Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Division, and responsible for the introduction of the new publication. “One important recommendation recommendation of the Gale Report was the need for education and communicat communication, ion, particularly of workers and places of work,” says Buchwald of the decision to establish a regular publication for all workplaces, libraries, libraries, government departments and unions in the province. The OHS division included an education branch responsible for producing the new publication, including its editorial content and design. Under editor Jim Haughton’s direction, branch staff chose and wrote the content featuring oh&s programs, regulations and incident information. “We took a look at statistical information and problem areas where there were most injuries, injuries, such as falls from heights or cave-ins of trenches,” explains Buchwald, 25 years later. Joe Miller assumed Haughton’s responsibilities in 1986. He remembers that in the mid-1980s “there was a desire to expand the scope of the magazine beyond the employer” to make it more relevant to front-line oh&s professionals and workers.

News & Notes Thus in 1986 the second generation generation of the publication emerged, transformed from a 12-page newsletter format into a 24-page magazine with a full-colour cover. Miller thoroughly enjoyed his 10 years as the magazine’s editor editor and then managing editor. “It was a fun and generally rewarding thing to do, which brought a positive and thankful response from readers.” He recalls an employer once telling him that the magazine had prevented a serious injury when a worker remembered something he’d learned from the magazine. The magazine’s magazine’s present management structure was implemented in 1997 under Charlotte Moran, who followed Miller. She instituted an advisory board of representatives from industry, labour and government to guide the choice of content for the magazine. “To me,” comments Miller, “one of the great advances was putting in place an advisory board. For many years editorial had developed internally, but the board helped the magazine develop a focus that was appropriate.” Over the last decade, there have been dramatic changes changes not only in the workplace but in the oh&s industry itself. As Miller points out, “Most oh&s professionals worked in government when I first got involved; now I expect expect there are ten times as many in the private sector. It’s become a real profession.” Today, content in Occupational Health & Safety Magazine reflects the needs of the oh&s professional, the industrial and office worker,, and the employer. worker employer. Wally Wal ly Baer is the current managing editor of the magazine and director of Workplace Health Health and Safety. Safety. For Baer, one of the bigges biggestt changes in oh&s since the early days of the magazine is that “occupational health and safety has become a broad societal issue.” Baer is confident that as trends change, Occupational Health & Safety keep Magazinewill continue to keep Albertans informed. “While “While there’s more recognition that attitudes and behaviours practised practised at home, on the highway and at play follow us into the workplace,”” he says of today’s chalworkplace, lenge, “we can expect to see the magazine reflect this, as it continues its tradition established over the past 25 years of helping people to stay safe and healthy.”

The Big Big One First Annual Heal alth th & Safety Conference of Al Alberta berta November 19 – 21, 2002, Edmonton Inn, Inn, Edmonton The Health & Safety Conference Society of Alberta, a non-profit association of health and safety associations, employer associations and other partners, is sponsoring the first annual Health & Safety Conference of Alberta. The conference offers high-impact learning for practitioners, managers and consultants. It features a wide range of exhibitors and session topics, and high-prof ile keynote speakers. Two days of presentations and a trade show of more than t han 50 exhibitors will be followed by a day reserved for formal training sessions. For more information, contact Dianne Paulson, (780) 453-3311 or 1-800-661-2272.

OHS Regul ulati ation on — update Legal drafting of the new occupational health and safety regulation continues, with completion anticipated for this fall. The targeted approval date of the new regulation has been delayed until the end of the year. Completion of the three-year t hree-year review of provincial occupational health and safety regulations is a key initiative at Workplace Health and Safety Safety.. Regular review of the regulations ensures that the most appropriate technical and scientific standards are incorporated into the workplace safety rules prescribed in the regulations. The review of each regulation is conducted through consultation by a task force comprised of employer, worker and public government representatives.

Bonus of offfer with workpl orkplac ace viol olenc ence video The $15 video, “Concerned About Workplace Violence?”, produced by Workers’ Work ers’ Compensation Board – Alberta (WCB), comes with a bonus offer: a 30-minute presentation by a WCB representative to help you develop a customized violence prevention program at your workplace. In the Edmonton and Calgary regions the presentation is offered at no cost; elsewhere, the cost will be confined to covering presenters’ presenters’ expenses. Call (780) 498-4822 for more information.

Canada’s Heal ealtthy Wor orkpl kplace ace Week! October 21 - 27, 2002 2002 Canada’s Healthy Workplace Week has been designated to increase awareness awarene ss of the importance of healthy workplaces and to encourage Canadian organizations, large and small, to participate in comprehensive workplace health promotion, prevention prevention and wellness strategies. A comprehensive approach to workplace workplace health includes conducting a thorough needs assessment, and developing an organizational health plan and effective evaluation strategies. When used within any organization, the comprehensive workplace health approach optimizes organizational productivity and employ employee ee well-being. To find guidelines for implementing a comprehensive workplace workplace health in an organization, see see www.nqi.ca/english/index.html www.nqi.ca/english/index.html.

2002 Munici cip pal Sa Safety/ ty/U Uti tillity Wor orks kshop hop and Trade Show November 26 – 28, 2002 Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer, Albert Alberta a Workshop topics include a look at the soon-to-be-released General Safety Regulation amendments, tools to apply the working alone legislation and options for locating underground utilities. For more information, contact Al co*ker at (403) 347-0324 or [emailprotected].



It’s Just Different

recision Drilling, a rapidly expanding international oilfield services company based in Calgary, employs over 10,000 people and consequently manages a huge amount of safety data. In the drilling division alone, 32,000 safety meetings are held each year and approximately 16,000 hazard observations are received from the field. An administrator at each operating centre collects information from the 223 sites located in Western Canada. Precision Drilling has developed its own in-house software to handle data-tracking activities activities and produce the information needed to manage all aspects of its safety program. In St. Isidore, François Allard, co-owner of Allard Logging, takes on most of the responsibility for promoting health and safety to his two or three seasonal employees. The company hired a consultant to develop a policy and procedures manual, and it pays for workers’ safety training. The rest, however, is up to François and his partner and brother, Pierre Allard. They personally maintain the machinery, ensure that workers maintain a safe environment, complete the forms and checklists, and keep the safety manual current. The Allards also keep the books, market the company’s services and handle the many other tasks that t hat most small business owners must must somehow fit into their schedules.




So which of these companies faces a greater challenge? Is it more difficult to ensure that a staff of thousands is working safely safely within a complex company company structure that has many levels of management? Or to have direct personal contact with employees but also be expected to meet standards that — some say — are designed with large companies in mind and may not fully recognize the unique needs of a small operation? When Occupational Health & Safety Magazine posed these questions to variously sized Alberta employers, the responses were both thoughtful and reassuring.

Large and in charge At Precision Drilling, because because oilfield drilling is seasonal, staff turnover is high. Therefore, the company constantly has to deliver safety training programs to new supervisors and new workers. “We have to offer continuous training to meet the demand,” says Steve James, vice president, health, safety and environment for the company’s contract drilling group, who leads a staff of nine safety professionals. professionals. As well, numerous amalgamations amalgamations with smaller smaller companies have presented the challenge of “bringing together different cultures,” as James describes it. The key

by Anit nita a Jen Jenki kins ns

The size of your business doesn’t count when it comes to managing health & safety method of ensuring company-wide consistency and continuous improvement, James says, is to stay focused. This is done by scheduling

One step the government has taken recently is to revamp the standards for the Partnerships Small Employer Certificate of Recognition Program. SECORP, which enables

regular safety meetings and field visits (over small employers to meet industry standards (increasingly a 1,000 visits in the year 2001 by operations requirement for subcontractors) through partnerships with and safety staff). safety associations, industry groups and other agencies, “It takes time to change things,” James now permits small companies with ten or fewer employees observes when asked about the pros and cons to opt for self-assessment in the certifying process. This of managing health and safety in a large project is going well, says Rob Feagan, the Partnerships manager at Workplace Health and Safety. Feagan has operation. “But the positive thing about working for a large company company is the opportuobserved that people often make their first contact with nities you have to provide leadership to the SECORP because they want to bid on a project that requires whole industry.” industry.” a Certificate of Recognition (COR). But then a High staff turnover is often a “Hey, wait “It’s “I t’s not harder or year or so later he hears them saying, “Hey, a minute. This really means something.” factor in large companies’ health easi sier er to offer offer an and safety planning, particularly Still, some find it hard to meet safety stanoccupati ationa onal now that Alberta’s economy is dards required for a COR. Kent Strandquist, health and safety thriving and job opportunities program in a larg large owner of Kent’s Contracting, appreciates the abound. In high-risk industries, safety, having lost a brother in the logor small business. value of safety, such as those that involv involve e the use It’s just differe different.” ging industry some years back. Even so, he says, of powerful machinery, inherent his small company in Hillcrest that employs five risk is complicated by staff or six people could not have done what is required for certification if he had been just starting out. turnover and by the employment of numbers of people who come from countries where “It’s a lot of work to document everything,” Strandquist injury or even death on the job is considered says, “and it cost close to $2,000.” Furthermore, Strandquist normal. Keeping workers safe demands credoes not believe that he is operating any more safely than ative and innovative methods of introducing before. “Nobody has been injured in my my company company in years,” workers worke rs to safe work practices. practices. One company he says. “We are all friends, and we are all experienced.” has, for example, introduced a risk assessDan Campeau, project manager manager and safety officer at ment database, behaviour-based safety Petro-Chem Fabricators, Edmonton, admits that his views processes and a safety IQ program. may be coloured by his past experience with a larger company and the fact that his company’s size (between 13 Small is beauti utifful, someti etim mes and 16 employees) makes safety planning somewhat more “A little bit of structure goes a long way,” says Wally Baer, manageable. Nonetheless, Campeau says, even very small director of Workplace Health and Safety. He’s talking about operations have to set a goal. “You are still a business how important it is for small companies to have health and safety programs, even when resources (money and time) are minimal. “An oh&s program doesn’t have to be onerous,” Baer says. Others with more direct experience in small business sometimes mention the red-tape barriers that provincial safety regulations can create. Interestingly, though, most of the people we spoke with tended to agree with Baer’s observations. Dan Kelly, Kelly, vice president, Prairie region, of the Canadian Federation Federation of Independent Business, even sees certain advantages in being a small operation. “The people at the top often work alongside their employees so they know the risks,” Kelly comments. “Being able to observe the situation first-hand is a real benefit.” Kelly has observed that there is a “growing understanding on the part of government that businesses of different sizes

person. You set your budget for the year, and setting up a safety plan is really no different. Striving for quality and productivity and safety are all part of being a successful business.” Bill Santrock, owner of Totem Welding in Edmonton, would like like to see the audit process simplified, and he has heard that this could happen. Nonetheless, no matter what is required, “We’ll continue to do it,” he says. As he puts it, if one of his employees (currently between seven and 10 people) had a serious accident and he was not meeting the safety standards, “I could be hung out to dry.” Allard echoes Santrock’s comments, on a different level. “What would my family do without me?” he asks. Overall, the interviewees said, a life is a life and a limb is a limb, regardless of where you work. Safety is an integral part of any type of business. Perhaps Lloyd Harman, director director

operate differently.” He says this type of recognition is becoming increasingly increasingly important important since almost three quarters of Alberta’s businesses employ fewer than five people and 95 percent have fewer than 50 employees. In 1998, small businesses (fewer than 50 employees) accounted for 37 per cent of total employment in the province.

of health, safety and loss management, Alberta Forest Products Association, says it best. “It’s not harder or easier to offer an occupational health and safety program in a large or small business,” Harman states. “It’s just different.”

Anita An ita Je Jen nkin kinss is a fre free ela lan nce write riterr an and edito itorr living living in Ed Edm monto ton n. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY MAGAZINE • SEPTEMBER 2002


They take your breath away

Oxygen-deficient atmo by Bil Billl Corbett


ydrogen sulphide, sulphide, carbon monoxide and other toxic gases get most of the publicity. But the mere absence of a benign substance that’s all around us can be just as hazardous.

Signs and sympt ptom oms of oxygen-defi efici cien ent exposure (% oxygen by volume) 15-19% Decreased ability to perform tasks or work strenuously. May impair coordination and may induce symptoms in those with coronary, pulmonary or circulatory problems. (especially y 12-15% Deeper breathing (especiall under exertion), increased pulse rate and impaired coordination, perception and judgment.

10-12% Further increase in pulse rate and rate and depth of breathing, further impaired coordination and judgment. Lips slightly slightly blue. 8-10% Mental failure, nausea, vomiting, ashen ashen face, fainting, unconsciousness, blue lips. 6-8% May be fatal in 50-100% of cases when exposed for 8 minutes; minutes; 25-50% fatal after 6 minutes; and recovery likely, with treatment, after 4-5 minutes. 4-6% Coma in 40 seconds, followed by convulsions, breathing failure and death. 8

An oxygen-deficient oxygen-deficient atmosphere can injure or even kill workers, often with no obvious warning signs to the unaware. The good news is that by following a few simple safety procedures, workers can safely handle any number of oxyg oxygen-deficient en-deficient situations.

can vary according to individual health (for example, example, whether one smokes), level level of physical exertion and altitude. The problem is, unless one has a gas detector that

It’s the the number one toxi toxic c hazard

monitors oxygen levels, there are no warning signs, such as odour or colour, that anything is wrong. Often victims are too dazed or weak to help themselves or even summon help. The situation can escalate tragically if a worker loses consciousness upon entering an oxygen-deficient oxyg en-deficient space and then has several unwitting co-workers come to investigate or attempt a rescue.

“Everybody talks about toxi toxicc hazards like hydrogen sulphide, particularly in Alberta’s oil and gas industry. industry. But worldwide, worldwid e, oxygen deficiency deficiency is probably the number one hazard,” says Greg Rude, national sales manager with Calgary-based BW Technologies Technologies Ltd., a leading manufacturer of industrial gas monitors. The reason is, there are many ways ways oxygen can be displaced or diluted, especially in confined spaces. And it doesn’t take much of an oxygen deficit for serious problems to occur.

Causes of oxygen-def en-defiici cient ent atmospheres Oxygen-deficient atmospheres typically Oxygen-deficient occur in confined, unventilated unventilated spaces,

The normal oxygen content oxygen air is where an inert gas such as nitrogen or 20.9 per cent, halfway betweeninthe argon has displaced the oxygen. generally accepted workplace standard Usually this displacement is unintenof 19.5 to 23 per cent by tional, such as a leak or spill T he probl problem em i s volume, under normal from a compressor, cylinder there are no atmospheric pressure. An or other piece of equipment. w arning arni ng signs si gns , oxygen-deficient atmosSeveral years ago, an Alberta such as odour or phere occurs when oxygen worker died after after entering a colour, that levels fall below 19.5 per trench where liquid nitrogen ything ng is is wrong. apparently escaped from a cent, at which point the air anythi does not contain sufficient freeze-plug jacket used to oxygen to support metabolism for an test a piece of exposed pipeline. unlimited period of time. Often, it doesn’t take much of a leak At 17 17 per cent oxygen by volume, volume, the to create a hazard. One litre of liquid symptoms might simply be faster and nitrogen expands to nearly 700 litres of deeper breathing. But by 15 per cent, nitrogen gas when warmed to room they can quickly progress dizziness and rapid heartbeat. Levelstobelow 13 per cent can lead to unconsciousness and, around six per cent, to death. These are rough guidelines guidelines for the average healthy person at rest. They


temperature. neon expands to 1,445 times itsLiquid original volume when vaporized. “Even a small leak from a tank has the potential to displace all the breathable oxygen if the space is not well ventilated,” says Ray Cislo,

spheres safety engineering specialist with Workplace Health and Safety. Workplace Safety. “If the concentration of oxygen in such a space is below 12 per cent, you have virtually no chance if you enter enter it unprotected.” Gases that are heavier than air or very cold tend to collect at or near floor level or in low spots such as trenches, ditches or manholes. Escaped methane in an underground coal mine, however, is lighter than air and can displace oxygen near the roof of a mine shaft. In either case, these

straw in a storage bin or waste in a sewer line. Two Alberta children died after entering a root cellar where rotting vegetables had consumed most of the oxygen. A rusting grain hopper, boiler,, pipeline or storage tank boiler tank also consumes oxygen over time and can pose a risk if not ventilated. Of course, fire also consumes oxygen. oxygen.

Beware the danger of ignorance ignorance Companies that routinely work in confined spaces are generally well informed about the risks of oxyge oxygenn-

served as a portable workshop. A similar example is that of a worker who stored dry ice in a walk-in refrigerator, unaware that the released carbon dioxide was displacing oxygen in a climate-controlled unit that had little outside air exchange.

Elim Eli minati ting ng the hazard The first defence against against an oxygenoxygendeficient atmosphere is to remove the hazard, such as a nitrogen cylinder, from a confined space. When using inert gas systems, always provide

areas may contain little noe oxygen, deficient and takepotenthe while surrounding areasorhave hav necessaryatmospheres precautions to avoid sufficient oxyg oxygen. en. tial hazards. “A possible exception is Sometimes oxygen is the worker who has tested If the the volume of displaced intentionally by a confined space a hundred oxygen in in a space an inert gas. A welder, for times and never seen a defii s below 12 per example, might use a ciency and then doesn’t cent, you have nitrogen flush to purge an bother to test it the virtua ually no chance hundred-and-first time,” old gasoline storage tank of virt i f yo u enter oxygen to prevent a spark says Mark Rice, a hygienist it unprotected. causing a fire or explosion with Workplace Health Health and (oxygen is needed to support Safety. combustion). Such a worker would “Generally speaking, people who obviously use a self-contained breathfrequently frequentl y work in confined spaces ing apparatus or have a supplied line have the equipment and training to of breathing air when operating in protect themselves,” adds Cislo. “Those

adequate and ventilation, suchair as movement an air exchange system or exhaust or f loor fans. Workers should never enter, or work in, a suspected oxygen-deficient area without a source of supplied air — either a self-contained breathing apparatus or a supplied-air breathing apparatus, complete with an emergency bottle of air hooked to a waist belt. belt. The only way to detect detect an oxygenoxygendeficient atmosphere is with monitoring, preferably with a device that monitors the oxygen continuously. BW Technologies, Tech nologies, for example, example, makes a number of portable and fixed f ixed multimulti-

this oxygen-depleted atmosphere. Oxygen levels can also become deficient by means other than inert gases. Bacteria, for instance, use up oxygen when feeding on organic organic matter like oil sludge in an old tank, mouldy

gas monitors, which provide ongoing readings of oxygen levels and instantly trigger audible and visual alarms when levels levels fall below safe limits. limits.

who it infrequently don’t understanddo there’s a potentialorhazard might be playing a bit of Russian roulette.” roulette.” He recalls one person who enquired if it was all right to store and carry nitrogen cylinders in a panel van that

continued on page 22



the Key to Shutting

LOCKOUTS t home, you probably wouldn’t


EITHER/OR proposition, although for ease the two operations are commonly referred to simply as a lockout. Alberta’s occupational health and safety regulations require employers to have procedures, training and equipme equipment nt

instance, an electrical utility company likely passes muster on its electrical lockout procedures. Nevertheless, the same company may be less effective in lockout of other energy sources, say, those involving pressurized gases or fluids. The reverse may apply for a pipeline company. Both companies and individuals familiar familiar with their own areas of expertise can forget to transfer the same cautionary procedures to activities performed less frequently. Certainly, Alberta’s oil-well-servicing

attempt tosocket repairwithout wiring in an electrical flipping the breaker switch switch to to turn off the electricity. Unfortunately, such wisdom doesn’t always transfer to the workplace, where it’s essential to use proper lockout and tagout procedures to isolate or neutralize energy sources during equipment repair, maintenance, testing or retooling. The onus is on workers to use lockout and tagout to prevent inadvertent operation of equipment being serviced. That means controls — such as valves, switches or push buttons and


needed foraeffective lockouts. sector realizes that Supplying road map is one thing; vigilance on several sever allockouts fronts. require following it is another. Lockouts “In our case, there t here are just too many depend on workers respecting them. risks associated with not locking out With pressure to save time and both electrical and rotating equipequipmaintain production, it can be ment,” says John Anderson, health and tempting to skip lockouts to quickly safety manager with Grizzly Well solve a problem — perhaps by jumping Servicing, whose 100 employees work up and freeing a piece of stuck lumber throughout Alberta and northeast on a sawmill conveyor belt. Once that British Columbia. For several years, jammed two-by-four two-by-four is pried loose, the Grizzly has equipped its change conveyor, if not locked out, may be facilities with keys and locks colourback in business. Meanwhile, the mill coded for each member of a service worker may may not be as lucky if struck crew.. Multi-clips on the crew t he locks ensure by a robot arm activated that employees use their once the conveyor is It’s im important to to lock lock own designated key to

circuit should lockout devicesbreakers to ensure—they canhave be secured in the OFF position. While locked out, the control device should have a securely attached tag stating who has placed a lockout, when and for what reason. The tag should also include a warning not to operate the equipment equipment while it is locked out. Lockouts and tagouts should extend to adjacent machinery if their operation also endangers workers. When it’s safe to remove the lockout device and tag, the worker who initiated the lockout is responsible for the procedure. Only in emergencies should

moving lock outworking equipment out for for pneumati atic, c, Some again. may consider they’re on. hydrauli raulic, c, steam, lockouts mainly a case of Outside eyes can help mechani nical, cal, thermal, switching off electricity. ensure all bases are chemical and other However, it’s important to covered. Len Cicero is the energy sourc sources. es. lock out for pneumatic, president of Lenco hydraulic, steam, mechaniTraining and Technical Technical cal, thermal, chemical and other Services, a firm that specializes in energy sources. Remember also to energy control lockout procedures. In release stored energy — by bleeding off addition to training and testing clients’ vapours, liquids or compressed compressed air; employees, the Burlington, Ontario, discharging batteries; waiting for firm offers lockout audits consisting of temperatures to go down or a spinning equipment and machine surveys to flywheel to stop; or by relieving identify all isolation points and all tension built up in a spring or potential power sources. Lenco then other device. drafts lockout placards that provide

supervisors others remove the and lockout. Likeortoothbrushes, locks tags shouldn’t be shared. In another sense, however, lockouts and tagouts are tag-team events. It’s a lockout AND tagout — not an

According tety o John Wettst ein of Wett Wettstein stein Safety Safto StratWettstein Strategies egies Inc., of Edmonton, organizations manage lockouts related to their main activities reasonably well. However, they may fall short in other areas. For


instruction in locking out specific equipment. To be effective, effective, lockout policies policies should be clear, have management’s backing and be supported by effective effective training programs that ensure workers

Lockout Reminders by Nordahl Flakst Flakstad ad

Out Injury

understand their individual responsibilities. Along with mistaken mistaken notions about lockouts applying only to electricity, it’s also wrongly assumed they only impact authorized maintenance employees and not “affected” employees (workers in the area but not directly involved in the maintenance or repair work) such as production or operation workers. “Lockout doesn’t just apply to the millwright or the electrician,” Cicero insists. In fact, production workers, if retooling or cleaning equipment, may be required to lock out equipment. equipment. They should be familiar familiar with energy control measures and recognize the need to respect lockout. The need to lock out energy sources of equipment is not confined to large industrial settings. For instance, inadequate or non-existent lockout procedures on dough-makers have led to serious injuries in small bakeries bakeries.. And the recreational setting of a ski hill may turn deadly when lockouts are not followed. Locking out is as critical on the farm, in food processing plants and in auto repair shops as it is in lumber mills, at mines and on oil rigs. Alberta regulations acknowledge acknowledge that while a company is checking the operation of equipment, it’s sometimes necessary to run the equipment. In such instances where a lockout is not possible, it is vital those working on the equipment remain in ongoing contact — by phone or other means — with whoever whoever controls the equipment. One of the most important elements of locking out is communication with other workers. Often, the control centre for the lockout is distant from the point where work on equipment or material will take place. In a large industrial plant, the person locking out equipment in the control room can’t see the operator of the equipment in another part of the facility. It’s not uncommon — for example, in

Empl ployees oyees shoul should d take the folllowing si fol six x basic steps when perf rform orming a lockout.

Empl ployers oyers shoul should: d:

1. Shut down the equipment. 2. Check the moving parts to see if they've stopped. 3. Shut off and put on the correct lock at each place where you isolate the energy source. Do this in order. Never skip a step. Fill out and attach a tag to each lock as you go along. 4. Check it. Test circuits for electricity. Check that switches and valves are turned off and locked. Check gauges for zero pressure. Turn the t he operating controls on to see if the t he main energy is still getting through. Turn them off again. 5. Neutralize the stored energy — release or block off all parts under tension or pressure, wait for temperatures to go down, disconnect, drain or vent whatever whatev er is necessary to clean out the system. 6. Check it. Pressure gauges should be zero. Look for movement in the system.

• Develop a lockout policy • Identify lockout situations • Develop lockout procedures • Train workers in lockout procedures • Enforce and update lockout policy Based on information provided by the Industrial Accident Prevention Association, Ontario

Fall alliing Short Remember, even when equipment is locked out, injuries may result from: • Not confirming the right piece of equipment is locked out. • Not bleeding off or eliminating stored energy. • Depending on someone else to place or remove the lockout.

Listen for release of air or liquid.

the case of power lines and pipelines — for the points at which valves are shut off (isolation points) to be many kilometres apart. “Communication is critical,” stresses John Wettstein, Wettstein, who believes believes welldefined protocols strengthen distance communication. communicat ion. When distance is an issue, lockout protocols should include documenting the sequence of the isolation procedures for shutting off a piece of equipment or flow f low of liquid. Canadian reports link injury statistics directly to don’t lockout failures. However, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that its lockout requirements avert about 120 American fatalities and 50,000 injuries annually. Lockout procedures are about saving lives and preventing injuries. They also are also about conferring confidence and peace of mind. Taking personal responsibility responsibility for lockouts is a bit like packing your own parachute. You have a lot riding on getting it right.

Nordahl Flakstad is an Edmonton-based writer and communi unicati cations ons consultant. consultant.

R e s o u r c e s

WEB LINKS LINKS www.aomc.org/ c.org/HO HOD2/ D2/gen general/ AccinjprLOCKOUT_. UT_.html html Seven steps for lockout/ tagout from the Arnot Ogden Medical Center. www.ni .niehs.nih. ehs.nih.go gov/ v/odh odhsb/ sb/m manual/ man11h.htm Lockout/ tagout policy fromNIEHS fromNIEHS (National I nstitute of Environmental Healt lth h Sciences). www.osha.osha-sl slc.gov/ c.gov/SLT SLTC/ C/control controlhazardousene hazardousenergy OSHA (Occupati tional onal Safety and Health Admini inistrati stration) on) links to information on lockouts. www.worksafebc.com/ febc.com/publi publications/ cations/ Health_ th_and and_Safe ty_Inform ty_I nformation/ ation/by by_industry/ assets/ pdf/ lockout.pdf Booklet from f romW Worksafe B.C. (B. (B.C C. Workers’ Compensati pensation on Board).

IN THE ALBE BERTA GOVERNMENT LIBRA LI BRARY – LABOUR BUIL BUILDING DING Books OSHA’s Electri Electrical cal Safety Safety and Lockout Standards: Proven Wri ritt tten en Programs for Compl pliiance by Mark Moran Rockvil kville le MD., Government Insti I nstitut tutes, es, 1996. (TK 152 M64 1996) Videos High Im Impact Lockout Safety, 20 min.

Eight iof ncident reenactments demonstr onstrate ateproce the im im portanceincident fol lowing following all prescri all ribed bed lockout dure s. VC0324)

Lockout Procedure, 9 min. Safe procedures for cleaning, adjusti adjusting ng or performing maint aintenance enance on industri industrial al equipment. (VC0290)



RECO RE CORD RD IT IT RI RIGH GHT T, REPORT IT RIGHT Howto record and report job job-related injuri injuries es, illnesses and inciden incidents in in Alberta

RECORD INCIDENTS t u o l l u p l a i c e p s

Empl ployers oyers must mai aintai ntain na record book

• Enter details of all reported injuries and illnesses, and keep for three years. • Include the following following information information to meet the requirements requirements of the Workers’’ Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act Workers and associated regulations. (a) the full name name of the injured worker worker (b) the date, place and and time of the illness or injury (incident) (incident) (c) the date and time time that the incident was was reported or that the employer employer found out about it (d) the cause of the incident incident (e) a descripti description on of the injury injury (f) the first first aid/medical aid/medical treatment rendered (g) qualifications of the first first aider • Use terms defined in the Workers Workers’’ Compensation Act Act to describe the injury and the medical treatment and to decide when and what to report.

First aid Treatment given on the work work site by a first aid attendant attendant The worker worker is able to return to the job during the same shift or on the next scheduled shift. Additional Additional treatment is not needed. (Do not report first aid incidents. Just record them for authorized inspection.) Medical aid aid Treatment that continues beyond first aid on the first day The worker worker returns to work on the same or next scheduled shift, during treatment. The job may be different or the work may be modified to accommodate the injury. Examples: A worker returns to work in the same or a different job but needs ongoing physiotherapy. A worker suffers hearing loss that needs ongoing ongoing attention, but continues in the same or a different job. Disabli bling ng or lost-ti lost-time injury injury Treatment for an injury or illness that keeps the worker from returning to the job on the same or the t he following following shift. • To meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety A ctand regulations, you must record details of: • an injury injury or incident incident that that results results in death death • an injury or incident that results in a worker’s being being admitted admitted to to a hospital for for more than two days • an unplanned unplanned or uncontrolled uncontrolled explosion, explosion, fire or flood that causes causes serious injury or that has the potential of causing serious injury • the collapse or upset upset of a crane, crane, derrick or hoist, or structure structure necessary for the structural integrity integrity of the building or structure • the collapse or failure failure of any any component component of a building building or structure necessary necessary for the structural integrity of the building or structure



For Workplace Health and Safety you must record and report all incidents where death or serious injury occurs, and you must report incidents as soon as possible where there was or could still be potential for death and serious injury.


Wor orkers kers report report

Empl ployers oyers report

Supe Su perv rvis isor or (E (Em mplo loy yer er))

Wor ork ker ers’ s’ Co Com mpe pens nsat atio ion n Board (WCB) – Alberta (780) 498-4000

Job-related injuries injuries and if they require first illnesses aid or medical aid.

Injury or illness if it is likely to keep the worker off the job past the first day of the occurrence.

Medical aid or disabling (lost-time) injuries It is not necessary to report first aid injuries, but it is necessary to keep detailed records for three years.

Do you use OSHA recording recording and repo porti rting ng gui uid del eliine nes? s?

Physi ysici cian ans report

Some Alberta employers use U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines to track injury prevention performance. These employers employers must must still comply comply with the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Workers’ Compensation Act and the regulations associated with both. Employers must also collect all information required by WHS and WCB and use the correct terms when reporting.

Workplace Health and Workplace Safety (WHS), Alberta Human Resources and Employment 1-866-415-8690

Details specified serious of incidents The list of specified incidents includes: • fatalities • an injury or incident that results in admission to hospital for more than two days • an unplanned or uncontrolled explosion, fire or flood that causes a serious injury or that has the potential of causing serious injury • the collaps collapse e or upset of of a

crane, derrick hoist, or structure that or is necessary for the structural integrity of a building or structure

Physicians must report to a director of medical services* or to WHS any occurrence of specified diseases. The list of notifiable diseases currently includes coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, pneumoconiosis, silicosis, asbestosis, mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung, laryngeal or gastroin gastroin--

testinal cancer *As defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.




Seven Myths About Back Pain

by Ray Cisl slo o


Even the best imaging tests cannot identify muscle spasms or strained ligaments that might be the cause of a patient’s pain. Many doctors only recommend CT and MRI scans

the seven myths about back pain mentioned in that issue.

for those patients already heading for surgery for other reasons.

s reported in the May 2002 issue of this magazine, up to 80 per cent of adults will experience back pain at some time during their lives. Let’s take a closer look at

MYTH 1 If you’ve slipped a disk (also known as a herniated or ruptured disk), you must have surgery. Surgeons agree about exactly who should have surgery.

MYTH 3 If your back hurts, you should take it easy until the pain goes away.

TRUTH The causes of back pain can be complex and difficult to diagnose. For more than 70 per cent of patients with chronic back pain, it’s not possible to make a specific diagnosis pinpointing the cause of the pain. Surgery to relieve back pain should only be used as a last resort. Very specific tests should be done to confirm that a disk has been damaged and that the pain is directly related to this damage. Even if tests show a damaged disk, recovery

TRUTH Today’s Toda y’s thinking is to continue the routine activities of daily living and work as normally as possible. Persons who remain active do better than those who try either bed rest or immediate exercise. Not all workers can immediately return to work. Those with physically physically demanding jobs may may not be able to return to work as quickly as those with less demanding demanding or sedentary jobs. It is often helpful to have workers workers with back pain

often occurs without surgery. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have shown that the herniated part of the disk often shrinks on its own over time. Approximately Approxim ately 90 per cent of patients with a herniated herniated disk improve gradually over a period of six weeks. The remaining 10 per cent of patients seem to be good candidates for surgery. However, herniated disks don’t cause most back pain! Only two per cent of back pain patients are likely to benefit from surgery. Most specialists specialists agree that nonsurgical treatment should be tried first. f irst.

return to some form of light work until they recover more fully.


TRUTH It’s true that workers whose jobs involve lifting, lowering and carrying materials are much more likely to experience lower back pain than workers who don’t do this kind of work. It’s also true that the weight of the materials is a risk factor for injury, as is how often the materials are handled and the worker’s posture when doing the work. For example, working doubled over in a cramped space is harder on your back than working upright. However, it’s also true that people who work at sedentary

Abnormalities of the spine are as common in people without back pain as they are in people suffering from back pain. Getting a better quality image of a herniated disk, in the absence of a thorough physical examination, leaves you only with a better picture, not necessarily a better diagnosis.

occupations are at a higher risk of disk injury than those who do moderate amounts amounts of physical work. And regardless regardless of whether or not the work involves lifting, people are more likely likel y to be injured early in the morning, when their backs are stiffer, than later in the workday.

MYTH 2 X-ray images, CT and MRI scans can always identify the cause of pain.


MYTH 4 Most back pain is caused by injuries or heavy lifting.


Who can cure the the pain?

Up to 85 per cent of persons with back pain can’t recall a specific brought on for their pain. While lifting orincident injuriesthat are risk factors back pain, theyheavy don’t account for most episodes of pain. Consider some of these other factors: Age – the highest frequency of reported symptoms for back pain occurs between the ages of 35 and 55. Gender – if you’re male, your risk of injury peaks at approximately 40 years of age; among women, the peak occurs between betwee n 50 and 60 years of age. Lifestyle – smoking and being overweight are two other factors linked to lower back pain. A connection has also been made between between stressful life life events and back pain.

MYTH 5 Back pain is usually disabling. TRUTH Most people with back pain get better, regardless of whether they receive treatment or the treatment method used. Most people who leave work return within six weeks, and only a small percentage never never return to their jobs. That’s the good news. The bad news? If you’ve experienced experienced back pain in the past, you’re at greater risk of experiencing experiencing it again. Fortunately, Fortunately, recurring episodes of pain usually go away on their own, just like the original back attack did. did.

If pain symptoms disappear while a patient is in the care of a particular type of health practitioner, the patient often believes that it was the type of care (chiropractic, acupuncture, physiophysiotherapy, naturopathy, surgery, etc.) that eliminated the pain. While this may be the case, back pain normally resolves on its own. So what a person to see do? aIfhealth back pain affects your abilityisto function, function, practitioner you trust. That person can rule out the possibility of an underlying medical condition and may be able to help you treat the cause of your back pain. Take the practitioner’s practitioner’s advice and do the things necessary to take care of yourself to make make that pain a distant memory.

Sources “Low-Back Pain,” by R.A. Deyo, Scientific American, August 1998. 1998. “Occupational Low Back Disorder Causation and Control,” by W.A. Marras,Ergonomics, Vol. 43, No. 7. 7.

Rayy Cislo, Ra Cislo, P.Eng., B.Sc B.Sc.,., ( H.K.) is a safety safety engine enginee ering special spe ialist ist at at Workp rkpla lacce Health and Sa Safe fety ty..

R e s o u r c e s

WEB LINKS LINKS www.spi .spine-healt ne-health.com h.com/ topi topics/ cs/cd/ cd/m myths/ yths/m myth01.html Myths and realiti realities es about back pain.

MYTH 6 Everyone with back pain should have a spinal X-ray.

www.safet .safety y.duke.edu/ .duke.edu/New Newslet sletter/ ter/ prev_bki bkinj. nj.htm htm How to prevent back injury, injury, from f romDu Duke Uni nivers versity.



Routine X-rays X-rays of the spine are unnecessary and often of ten of little value. The spine abnormalities detected with X-rays often have nothing to do with the symptoms experienced. Many people have abnormalities and are completely painfree. The latest latest medical guidelines guidelines for evaluating back pain recommend that the use of X-rays be limited to patients who have suffered major injuries.

MYTH 7 Bed rest is the mainstay of therapy. TRUTH For the longest time, patients with back pain were told to lie down to get better. While many patients experienced less pain while lying down, it was not always the case that they got better. Studies have shown that four days of bed rest turn out to be no more effective than two days, or even no bed rest at all. Imagine what it felt felt like to get up after one to two weeks of strict bed rest — the recommended practice not that long ago.

Books The LowBac Low Back Pain Handbook: A Practi tical cal Guide for for the Primary Care Clinici nician an by Andrew J . Cole Philadelphi Phi ladelphia a PA: Hanley & Belfus Inc. I nc. (RD 771 B217 C65 1997)

“Low Back Pain,” Occupational Medici “LowBac edicine: ne: State of the Art Reviews, Volume 113, No 1, J anuary - March 1998 by Gerard A. Malanga Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus (RD 768 L68 1998) Ergonomics in Back Pain: A Guide to Preventi ention on and Rehabil habiliitati tation on by Taren Khalil, et al. New York, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Reinhol d (RD 771 B217 E74 1993) Videos Lift Li ftiing and Carryi rrying, ng, 10 min. Highlights construction of the the spine and its limitati l imitations ons. I llllustra ustrates how and why injuries will occur if we do not respect the limitations and use correct lifting and carrying techniques. (VC0350, 2001)



Bringing Home the Haz by Debbi ebbie e Cul ulbertson bertson

he construction worker carefully taped a wall of plastic across the middle of my kitchen and over the two doors that led out of the room. He was getting ready to put in a new window,, and didn’t want any drywall window or wood dust to fly into the rest of the house or onto the stove or counter tops. When he had finished the job, he carefully removed the plastic and swept up the mess on the floor.


According to a groundbreaking groundbreaking 1995 study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), workers in more than 28 countries and 36 American states have reported unwittingly transporting toxins home from work sites. These have included mercury, radioactive material, beryllium, lead, asbestos, pesticides and more. The toxins have been carried on shoes, socks, clothes,

“Children may be curious about what is in dad's tool box,”” says Diane Radnoff. box, “But the things they find can be poisonous; even mild exposure to something like mercury or lead solder can be extremely dangerous.” Serious and fatal poisonings of family members have also been

I couldn't help but admire the thoughtful and tidy approach he'd taken. Then I saw him take off his dirty overalls overa lls and throw t hrow them into his truck. tr uck. My house was kept free of dust, but what about his truck? I knew that his children often rode in the vehicle with him. Weren't they being exposed to this hazard, too?

According to Diane Radnoff, senior occupational health and safety hygienist at Workplace Health and Safety, workers often underestimate the kinds of health hazards they might

hair, tools, folders and briefcases. Even the mildest exposure to some materials commonly found on work clothes can cause huge health problems. The dust from imported woods such as western western red cedar can create serious allergies in anyone who is exposed to it. Fibres from fibreglass f ibreglass can cause skin and eye irritations. Particles of beryllium, a lightweight metal used in transistors, dental work and semiconductor semiconductor chips, can cause a crippling and incurable lung disease. Lead is one of the most common hazards carried home on a worker's skin, hair, clothing or shoes. Research-

caused by toxins on bags, rags, metal drums and scrap lumber. Many chemicals can cause reproductive problems in workers and their partners. NIOSH reports that more than 1,000 workplace chemicals have been shown to have reproductive effects on animals, although most have not been studied in humans. In addition, most of the four million other chemical mixtures in commercial use remain untested. However, the dangers presented by some chemicals are all too well known. Lead is

bring home with them. “People working in fields such as home renovating, painting and cleaning don't don't always think of the material materialss they’re working with as toxic,” toxic,” says Radnoff. Radnoff. “Depending on the trade they’re in, they may bring home clothing that is covered in wood dust or other chemicals.” When a worker gets home, home, he may casually throw his overalls onto the dirty clothes pile, creating a silent hazard for whoever does the laundry. If he walks around the house in his work shoes, he may contaminate the carpet that his young children may be

ers estimate that between 1981 and 1983, 48,000 families with children under six years of age in the United States were living with family members who were regularly exposed to lead in their workplace. These same researchers believe believe that half of the children in these families may have elevated blood lead levels. Family members exposed to lead poisoning may experience fatigue, upset stomach, muscle pain, as well as brain disorders, kidney kidney damage and permanent learning disabiliti disabilities. es. Dangerous substances are not only carried home on a worker's body.

hazardous to the reproductive organs in both women and men, and can lower sexual drive and function. Industrial and construction workers are not the only people whose work with dangerous substances substances can have a lasting effect on their families. Artists who work with ceramics have have been known to accidentally poison their families with lead. Farmers have brought home pesticides, pesticides, caustic substances, and hormone-like chemicals on their overalls and soles of their t heir boots. And radioactivity radioactivity is becoming a growing hazard to medical researchers, nuclear pharmacists, health care

crawling on. And if he hugs his wife or plays with his children before he has had a shower, he may be unknowingly putting their health at risk.

Glues, pesticides, strippers, degreasers, and other toxins are often carelessly thrown into the back of a truck at the end of a long and tiring work day.

professionals and their families. “In some procedures, radioactive radioactive isotopes are used to test urine,” says Harold Braun, a cardiac care nurse in

Silent Hazards



Avoi oid d Bri Bring nging Hazards Home Workers can take take these steps steps to avoi oid d bringi bringing ng hazards home


• Change clothes before leaving work and leave soiled clothes behind. Alternatively Alternativ ely,, wear disposable clothes. Throw them out after use. • If you must take work clothes home, put them in a garbage bag and tie it up. • Put the bag of work clothes in the trunk of your vehicle. • Keep soiled clothes away from other laundry and wash them separately. • Shower and wash your hair before leaving your workplace. • Do not take tools, scrap, chemicals, packaging and similar items home. • Prevent family members from visiting the work area.

Empl ployers oyers shoul should d Calgary. “If pregnant nurses do these Calgary. tests, they may endanger their unborn children. Proper procedure is for them to ask another nurse to do the test for them.”

Avoi oidi ding ng the Risk Diane Radnoff says there are many precautions that workers can take to avoid bringing hazards home from the

not passed on to other patients, workers worke rs and family members. Employers must put safety procedures into place to prevent contamination from travelling home with workers. worke rs. These can include providing changing and shower rooms, disposable work clothes, laundry facilitie facilitiess and, in certain settings, providing electronic monitors to detect radiation.

workplace. “It all comes down down to common sense. Shower at work and leave your work boots and coveralls there,” says Radnoff. “If you have to bring clothes home, put them in a garbage bag and tie it up. Put the bag in the trunk of your vehicle. Dump the clothes straight into the washer and don't launder any other items with them.” Harold Braun echoes Radnoff's emphasiss on basic prevention. “Every emphasi person working in the health care field takes what we call ‘universal precautions,’” says Braun. “That includes hand washing between every

Informing workers about how to avoid bringing hazards home is also an essential part of any safety program.

patient contact, wearing gloves when handling body fluids, and putting on protective face masks when needed.” In this way, infections and disease are

the risk?

Who, Me? Why Worry rry? ? Workers may argue that the materials Workers materials they work with haven't been proven to cause health risks. But they should pause and reflect on the long list of asbestos-related deaths listed in each issue of this magazine. According to NIOSH, hidden behind each of these names is a family that was probably exposed to a very dangerous substance that was once considered “safe.” Is bringing home soiled overalls overalls worth

Debbie Culbertson is a writer and editor living in Devon, Alberta.

• Inform workers about safety practices to reduce exposure to contaminants. • Ensure that workers follow these safety practices. • Provide effective monitoring systems for contaminants. • If possible, provide changing rooms, showers, laundry services and/or disposable clothing.

R e s o u r c e s

WEB LINKS LINKS www.usatoday.com/ .com/mo money/ ney/bighi bighits/ ts/ toxin1. toxin1.htm htm Cover article arti cle from fromUSA USA Today about workers unwittingly bringing home toxins. www.usatoday.com/ .com/mo money/ ney/bighi bighits/ ts/ toxin4. toxin4.htm htm Common workplace workplace toxins toxins that that are taken home. www.usatoday.com/ .com/mo money/ ney/bighi bighits/ ts/ toxin3. toxin3.htm htm Cases of home contaminati ination on from fromworkp workplace toxins. toxins. www.webworl orldi dinc.com/ nc.com/we wess-con/ con/w workshop.ht orkshop.htm m Safety in i n your home and workshop – tail tailgate gate talk. www.diyonli .diyonline ne.com/ servlet/ GIB_BaseT/ diyli diylib_ b_ article.html?session.docid=1001 Home hazards. hazards.



We b Wat c h e r

Re al Wo r l d So l u t i o n s

by Bob Chri hristi stie e he task I’ve undertaken — to provide you with useful, credible occupational health and safety Web addresses — reminds me of the story of the man who decided he would try the cuisine at every restaurant in New York City by working through the restaurants listed in the phone book. He ate at a different restaurant every evening. Before he got to the Ms in the phone book, there were more more new restaurants restaurants that had opened opened in the A to L section than he had visited. Also, more than half of the restaurants restaurants he had visited visited no longer existed. existed. Such is the case with the World Wide Web. As I write this article, Google, one of the premier search engines on the Internet, now claims to have over two BILLION pages in its database. This number is growing all the time, and Google admits its database doesn’t include all pages. Like the number of McDonald’s hamburgers eaten, the number of Web pages begins to numb the consciousness. I digress from the task at hand because I need to explain why I have not included the most recent Alberta sites, even some sites that have been suggested to me. It is not because I don’t think t hink the sites worthy. It’s just that to include all relevant sites would make this magazine too heavy to carry. For the next couple of issues I’d like to look at some sites based outside Alberta that have a national perspective. Then I propose to go international, to give you a sampling of sites you can start from to build a virtual library that really works for you.


Canadian not-f not-for-profi or-profitt Web sit sites Entering the words “health, safety and Canada” in the search engine produced just over a million hits, so I’m keeping the list to the bare essentials. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety www.ccohs.ca/ www .ccohs.ca/ Health Canada, Office of Laboratory Security (MSDS source) www.hc-sc.gc.ca/p www .hc-sc.gc.ca/pphb-dgspsp/ phb-dgspsp/msdsmsdsftss/index.html Human Resources Development Occupational Health and Safety Canada, (Labour Operations) info.load-otea.hrdcdrhc.gc.ca/~oshweb/homeen.shtml Human Resources Development Canada, Federal Labour Legislation, Canada Labour Code, Part I (Parts II and III can also be accessed) info.load-otea.hrdcdrhc.gc.ca/ federal_legislation/part1/part1.htm Canosh (Canada’s National Occupational Health and Safety Web site) www.canoshwe www .canoshweb.org/en/ b.org/en/ Canadian Auto Workers — health, safety and environment www.caw www .caw.ca/whatw .ca/whatwedo/ edo/ health&safety/index.asp Department of Justice Canada (Canada Labour Code) laws.justice.gc.ca/en/L-2/ 18


eal World Solutions is a regular column that suggests simple, inexpensive ways to improve employee safety and health through adjustments to the workplace. What improvements have you made at your workplace? If you’ve found a solution worth sharing, please send it to [emailprotected].

Pressure on the elbow elbow

Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada — health, safety and environment www.cep.ca/hea www .cep.ca/health_safety/ lth_safety/ health_e.html St. John Ambulance Canada — health and safety training www.sja.ca/englis www .sja.ca/english/health_saf h/health_safety_traini ety_traini ng/index.asp I.W.A. Canada — Health & Safety Web page www.iwa.ca/WEB www .iwa.ca/WEBSITE/h&sconte SITE/h&scontents.html nts.html Canadian Labour Congress — Health & Safety, Day of Mourning, April 28th www.clc-ctc.c www .clc-ctc.ca/ a/ health-safety/mourning.html

The Probl roblem em Sharp corners or joints on workbenches and desks can put pressure on the ulnar (funny bone) nerve. This can be painful and affect the hand's ability to grip objects. Long-term pressure can permanently damage the nerve.

Workinfonet.ca, Workplace Workplace Issues and Supports, Occupational Health and Safety (a Web site list of Web sites) www.workinf www .workinfonet.ca/cwn/ onet.ca/cwn/ english/index.cfm?cat=6&sub=69 Next issue will feature more not-forprofit agencies with a national scope and perhaps a few from private, forprofit sources. If you want sites for particular provinces or regions outside of Alberta, you will have to do a little hunting on your own. Happy surfing.

Bob Christie is a partner at Christie Communications Ltd., development company comp anyain i nmultimedia Edmonton. Edmonton. Bob also supplies most of the Web link resources for the articles in this magazine.


A Sol oluti ution on Place soft, rounded pads over edges and sharp corners.

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P r ofi l e

Dow Dow Defies the Odds by Norm rma Ramage

Wannounced in 1994 its global

hen the Dow Chemical Company

goal of reducing reportable safety incidents by 90 per cent within 10 years, it caused major ripples through the chemical giant’s worldwide operations. Phil Wilson, environment, health and safety leader with Dow’s Fort Saskatchewan manufacturing operation, recalls, “We said to them, you’re nuts, there’s no way we can achieve that goal.” Today, however, Wilson says the $4 billion Fort Saskatchewan facility (one of two Dow plants in Alberta; the other is a facility in Prentice acquired after last year’s merger merger with Union Carbide) is on track for reaching the targeted reduction by 2005. Workers’ Work ers’ Compensation Compensation Board – Alberta (WCB) statistics statistics show show that Dow, which already had a good safety record prior to starting the program in January, 1995 — at a lost-time claims rate (LTC) of 1.99 per 100 person hours worked — continues the downward downwar d trend of reducing incidents. In 2000 the LTC rate dropped to 0.2, and this year to date the rate is 0.

What makes this achievement achievement more impressive is that Dow doesn’t target only lost-time incidents, but any reportable incident. Says Wilson, “Anything that requires more than

behaviour is unacceptable, unacceptable, to discuss a safer way of doing things. It’s this peer to peer interaction that’s the key to the program.” In addition to trained observers,

basic first aid, even a single stitch, stitch, is Dow encourages every employee and included.” contractor to take action if they see an How have they done it? By changing unsafe behaviour. Wray Kinsella, a employee behaviour, says Wilson. The pipefitter who works with contractor company uses a behaviour-based safety Jacobs Catalytic, Catalytic, says people working (BBS) process, which aims at getting on site are “very vocal” about safety. employees to think about the safe way “No one is afraid to tell someone to do their jobs. “We don’t look at they’re doing something wrong. ” hazards,” explains Wilson. “We look at Kinsella, a member of an employee committee that conducts regular safety behaviours.” Safety reminders are everywhere on audits, says he is proof that the Dow the sprawling site, which includes five BBS program actually does change distinct plants, from the sign at the behaviour when it comes to to working front gates proclaiming the intention safely. For 20 years Kinsella worked as of becoming a zero incident an independent contractor Dow cont contiinues the plant, to safety reminders and he admits that he in hallways and on work sometimes took unsafe downward tren trend of reduci ucing ng inci ncide dents. shortcuts. “After a year and floors. Says Wilson, “We In 2000 the the LTC rate a half here, I have changed live in an environment dropped to 0. 0.2, 2, and my habits and my whole where we believe believe that zero this thi s ye ar to d ate the attitude toward safety.” incidents is something that rate is is 0. can be achieved.” Although the BBS process wasn’t created by Dow’s 850 employees at the Fort Saskatchewan site, plus its 400 Dow, and similar programs are being to 500 contractors, all follow a BBS used by other Alberta companies, Dow program. Contractors must either have has created some innovative impletheir own program or sign on to Dow’s. mentation tools. To To Wilson, one of the Wilson says the key to the program most important tools is the pre-task is individual responsibility. Employees analysis. It requires every worker, are encouraged to observe each other, before starting a job, to fill out a card listing all of the tasks required, any and comment and act on both positive and potentially hazardous behaviours. potential hazards and measures that The company company trains a number of can be used to eliminate those hazards. employees as observers, says Wilson, For Kinsella, the value of the task and they are “required to talk to the cards is that “they get you to think worker they have have observed, observed, either to about your job and how to do it safely.” say thanks for working safely, or if the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY MAGAZINE • SEPTEMBER 2002


Workplace Health & Saf afet ety y ( WHS HS))

Another valuable item in the toolbox toolbox is the Near Miss Program. Workers Work ers fill out special cards recording any potential potential hazard or unsafe behaviour they have observed and the actions they have taken to rectify the problem. Says Wilson, “When we say near miss, we’re not talking about someone almost being struck by a piece of metal. We’re talking about the minutiae of safety situations, such as the paint can at the top of the stairs that needs to be moved to to a safer place.” He says not only is it important that employees take remedial action, it’s also important that they fill out the incident card. “That way I can report back to them and tell them, for example, that last month 800 potential unsafe behaviours were were prevented prevented by actions taken by workers.” workers.” To encourage encourage employees employees to fill out the near miss cards, there are weekly draws with small cash awards and other prizes. As with any safety program, program, management buy-in and support is critical. Vince Smith, president and CEO of Dow Chemical Canada Inc., personally follows follows up on all incidents. “I don’t get involved when the investigation is ongoing, but after it is over, I get the supervisor to take me out to the t he area where it occurred and explain what happened.” One of the most important things the company has done, says Smith, is ensure that the financial and manpower manpower resources are available to achieve the company’s safety and environmental goals. And Kinsella says Dow walks walks the talk. “From day one, it’s safety, safety, safety. They tell you that if you feel a job is unsafe, you can shut it down.” John Brogly, Brogly, leader of the design and construction group at the Fort Saskatchewan plant, is closely involved in the BBS program and believes there is another, harder to quantify reason for the plant’s success. “We set very aggressive goals, and we soon realized that to accomplish them we would have to be innovative and adopt out-of-the-box out-of-the-box thinking. Instead Instead of scratching our heads and saying it couldn’t be done, we found a way.” Brogly, who is also president of the Alberta Construction Owners Association, has discussed the Dow program with his group and received positive feedback. The program also attracted the attention of Clint Dunford, Minister of Alberta Human Resources and Employment, who visited the Fort Saskatchewan plant last fall. Says Wilson, “One of the bigges biggestt values of the t he program is with our contractor workforce. workforce. Through them we are inf luencing not just our site or our company, company, but sites all across the province. Little by little we are seeing behaviour-based safety bear fruit among construction owners.”

Norma Ramage is a freelance writer and communications consultant living in Calgary. R e s o u r c e s

WEB LINKS LINKS www.dow.com/ facil faciliiti ties/ es/na namerica/ erica/ca canada/ index.htm Dow Chemical Canada www.dow.com/ .com/Hom Homepage/ epage/iindex.html Main site site for for Dow Chemical



Cont ontact act WHS anyti anytim me.. e.... For occupational health and safety information and assistance, phone the Call Centre 1-866-415-8690 or go to the WHS Web site sitewww.whs.gov.ab.ca www.whs.gov.ab.ca.

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How to reach the Alberta Alberta Government Libra Library – Labour Buildi ding ng Site

The URL for the library is www.gov.ab.ca/ www.go v.ab.ca/hre/library hre/library. Access the library catalogue at draweb.library.ualberta.ca. The library houses a large selection of occupational health and safety information materials. You can search the library catalogue over the Web through gate.library.ualberta.ca,location code, AB HR & Employment. To borrow materials, materials, please contact your your local library and make your requests through the inter-library loan process. Or visit the library at: 3rd Floor, 10808 – 99 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0G5

S (780) 427-8533 or toll-free, 310-0000 T (780) 422-0084 vwww.gov www.gov.ab.ca/hre/fa .ab.ca/hre/facts/av cts/av

Howto order Workpl orkplace ace Heal ealth th and Safety publicati tions ons Workplace Health and Safety publicaWorkplace tions are available from the WHS Web www.whs.gov .gov.ab.ca .ab.ca,, or the WHS Call site,,www.whs site Centre, 1-866-415-8690. WHS is a division of Alberta Human Resources and Employment Employment and falls under the jurisdiction of Minister Clint Dunford.

Ron Holt Holtz z (second from ri righ ght) and hi his s R-Alta R-Alta team.

What is is Parnershi rships? ps? Partnerships in Health and Safety is a province-wide injury preventi ention on programspons programsponsored co-operatively by government, labour and industry. For more information about the Partnerships program, call (780) 427-8842 or toll-free 310-0000.

Pullin’ Down A

the Rates

s the owner of a small oilfield service and rental company, Ron Holtz pays Workers’ Compensation Compensat ion Board – Alberta (WCB) insurance premiums so that both he and his workers are covered covered in the event of workplace illness or injury. However, WCB coverage costs money. “I was upset when I saw that my premiums were going up again this year, because when you operate operate a small company, company, a few extra hundred dollars a year makes a difference,” Ron says. The average average WCB premium premium rate has increased over the past two years because of rising claims costs, in particular medical costs, to treat injured workers. Hundreds of workers in Alberta’s booming booming oil and gas industry get injured on the job every year, which impacts impacts WCB premiums for all businesses in that sector, large or small. It’s frustrating for employers like Ron, who have very few or no WCB claims, to watch their rates increase, despite good safety records. Although a small employer like Ron has no direct control over his industry’s overall safety record, he is taking action to reduce his company’s WCB premiums. Ron is one of 5,700 employers who have joined Partners in Injury Reduction (PIR) over the past two years. Thanks to Ron’s efforts, his rates will be slashed by 20 per cent this year. The financial saving is not the only bonus to joining PIR. Learning about injury prevention has raised workplace safety awareness in Ron’s shop. “It’s so worthwhile, because

we don’t want anyone anyone getting hurt,” hurt,” he says. “Safety is an essential part of doing our job.” “Join,” advises James Wilson, the WCB manager responsible for PIR. “You’ll save money and you’ll sleep better at night, knowing your employees are that much more aware of safety on the job.” To join PIR, Ron made an initial safety safety investment by joining the Partnerships program, through which he arranged to have a health and safety audit of his company. The audit ensured the company had a health and safety management system that met provincial standards and provided a healthy and safe work environment for its employees. The Certifying Partner, Partner, Petroleum Industry Industry Training Service (PITS), reviewed reviewed the audit and then Alberta Human Resources and Employment issued a Certificate of Recognition (COR) to R-Alta. With a COR, R-Alta became automatically automatically eligible for a rebate through the PIR program. Ron estimates he put in about $400 and 60 hours developing a safety system and attending a two-day course. But that time and money are paying off. Having his COR has brought in more business, as bigger clients insist contractors like R-Alta be certified before they go on site. “It’s good to know you can send a guy out there and there won’t be any questions about safety,” Ron says. “Being part of PIR has really made a difference to my bottom line, and most of all, to my guys’ safety.” Artic Ar ticle le courte rtesy sy of Work rke ers’ Compensa satio tion n Board – Alberta.

Partne rtners rs in in Inj Injury ury Preventi tion on (P (PIR) PIR rewards safe employers with rate discounts. discounts. The WCB is moving away from blanket subsidies for all employers, so employers with excellent safety records pay lower rates than those with poor safety performance. Employers who participate in PIR have 15 per cent fewer workplace injuries and 31 per cent lower claims costs than other employers.

Did Di d you know? • 5,700 employers have joined PIR since 2000 • It’s free to join — although you must earn a Certificate of Recognition to qualify for a refund

Cer tiffR) ti icate of Recognit nitiion (CO • The COR is administered by Alberta Human Resources and Employment and 15 certifying partners under the Partnerships program • 4,100 employers in Alberta have earned their COR • Having a COR guarantees a 5% rebate from the WCB



The Last Resort reporting on recent

convictions under the the Occupa ccupatti onal

Health and Safety Act Empl ployer oyer Round Corner Welding & Machining Prim Pri me Contractor

Lakeland College Incident On December 8, 2000, an 18-year-old worker was sandblasting a shower room at the Lakeland College pool, when he was overcome by toxic vapours that had entered his supplied air. He has recovered.

Violation Round Corner Welding & Machining failed to provide the worker with adequate equipment or training to do the sandblasting. (Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupatio Occupational nal Health and Safety Act; Section 99, 448/83, of the General Safety Regulation) Lakeland College failed to implement safety procedures. The contractor was therefore not in compliance with legislation that regulates prime contractors. (Section 2.1(3), Occupational Health and Safety Act) Fine Round Corner Welding & Machining was fined $5,000. Lakeland College was fined $1,000, plus a 15% victim surcharge. The college is also required to provide $19,000 worth of safety-related courses to further awareness of occupational health and safety safety.. Empl ployer oyer Millar Western Incident A 17-year-old was working at a sawmill as part of a work-experience program. On November 5, 2000, he was working close to a conveyor as a member of a clean-up crew. He became caught between the unguarded conveyor drive roller and belt, which dragged him into the rollers, killing him. He was working unsupervised around unguarded, moving equipment. Violation The company was found guilty of two counts of failing to provide guards around moving parts of machinery. (Sections 52(1)(a) and 52(1)(b) of the General Safety Regulation.) Fine Millar Western was fined $75,000 for each count, plus a 15% victim surcharge, for a total of $172,500. Empl ployer oyer Fountain Tire (Fairview) Ltd. Incident On September 15, 2000, two tire service technicians employed by Fountain Tire (Fairview) Ltd. were mounting a 60-centimetre-rim 60 -centimetre-rim tire onto a grader. To seal the tire to the rim, t hey started to inflate the tire. The air inside the tire exploded, and the rim components and tire blew off the grader, striking both workers. One worker received minor injuries, and the other, a 23-year-old, received head injuries and died the next day. Violation Fountain Tire did not have a tire cage or a restraining device large enough to handle large off-road tires. Workers were not trained in t he company’s own safety standards nor in the manufacturer’s specifications concerning servicing of large off-road tires. The company was found guilty of failing to ensure the safety of workers and of failing to make them aware of their responsibilities. (Section Sec 2(1)(a)(i), Occupational Health & Safety Act) Fine $75,000, plus a $11,250 victim surcharge.

Full fatality fatality reports are available available on on the Workplace Workplace Hea Health lth and Safety ( WHS) Web site, site, www. whs.g whs.gov ov. ab ab.. ca ca.. They can also be ordered from the Alberta Gov overn ernm men entt Libra Library ry – La Labo bour ur Building Bui lding Site, Si te, ( 780) 427-8533 ( to toll ll free 310-0000) 310-0000).. 22


Oxygen-deficient atmospheres continued from page 9

“The technology has become a lot faster, smarter, cheaper and easier to use,” says BW’s Greg Rude. “Before, a fair bit of training was required, and the units needed some calibration. Now, the microprocessor does that automatically, and after two years, you just buy a new one.” As well, those working working in areas where significant quantities of inert gases are being used should understand the physical properties of those gases, such as whether they are heavier or lighter than air. Alberta’s General Safety Regulation also requires employers to develop a code of practice for entry to and work in confined spaces.

Bill Corbett is a Calgary writer. R e s o u r c e s

WEB LINKS LINKS www.si .sierram erramonit onitor.com or.com/ pdf/ pdf/Sa Safet fety%20Bull y%20Bulleti etinnOxygen%20Defi ficient. cient.PD PDF A safety bullet bulletiin from fromthe the Compressed Gas Associati ociation on about oxygendeficient atmospheres. www.msha.gov/ regs/ s/com compli plian/ an/PIB/ PIB/1996/ 1996/PIB96-19.HTM PIB96-19.HTM An inform informati ation on bulleti bulletin n from the U.S. Department of Labor on oxygen deficiency in mines. www.l .levitt evitt– – safety.com/ Safet fetyT yTips/ ps/Con Confi fined nedDangerous.pdf Confi onfined ned spaces and oxygen deficiency deficiency, from Levitt Levitt--Safety. bse.wisc.edu/ .wisc.edu/wiscash wiscash/ DocumentsPDF/ F/check checkstuff stuffers/ ers/m manure.pdf Oxygen-deficient atmospheres in agriculture. www.doe– md.gov/ .gov/llessonslearned.asp Lessons learn learned about confi confined ned spaces fromthe from the U.S. U.S. Department of Energy.

IN THE ALBER ERTA GOVERNMENT LIBRA LI BRARY – LABOUR BUIL BUILDING DING Books Confined Space: A Manual of Standard Confined Standard Practi Practices ces Richmond, B.C.: Workers’ Compensati pensation on Board of Briti British sh Col olum umbi bia, a, 1994, (revised ed.) (T55 C662 1994) Compl plete ete Confi Confined Spaces Handbook by John J ohn Rekus Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, 1994 (T55 R45 1994) Safety and Healt ealth h in Confined Confi ned Spaces by Neil McManus Boca Raton, Florida: Lewis Publishers, 1999 (T55 M39 1999)

Videos Confi fined ned Space Safety, 1991, 1991, 12 min. Covers the basic principl pri nciples es of working in a confined confined space and highlilights ghts the need to follow fol low safe work procedures. (VC (VC0218 0218) Confi fined ned Space Safety, 2000, 2000, 15 min. Discusses what a confined confi ned space is, and associ ociated ated hazards. (VC (VC0313) Confi fined ned Space Case Histori stories, es, 1996, 14 min. Re-enactments of real-li real- life fe confined confined space accidents. Emphasizes the importance of foll following owing proper confined confined space safety procedures. Topic ics s covered in inc clu lud de safe atmospheri ric c te tes stin ting g and monito itorin ring, venti tilat lation ion and personal protective protecti ve equipment. (VC0284)


Workpl ac ace e Fatali Fatali ti es

February 200 2002 2 — May 20 2002 02 Occupational Health & Safety Magazine publishes Workplace Fatalities to remind readers of the importance of workplace health health and safety. safety. The information is not a final investigation report. In many cases investigations are continuing. Final investigation investi gation reports are filed at the Alberta Government Government Library – Labour Building Site and can be reviewed there or on the Workplace Health and Safety Web site at at www.whs.gov www.whs.gov.ab.ca .ab.ca under Fataliti Fatalities. es. An occupational fatality fatality refers to the death of a worker caused by a work-related work-re lated incident incident or exposure. To protect protect personal privacy, privacy, the fatality descriptions do not include the names of the deceased.

Workork-rel related ated incident fatalities

Most work-related incident fatalities that fall under provincial jurisdiction jurisdiction are investigated by Workplace Health and Safety. In general, highway traffic, farm, disease or heart attack fatalities are not investigated.

The foll following fatal fataliiti ties es have been or are being investiga investigated.

A 47-year-old technician employed by a wireless telecommunication telecommunication network development company was driving an SUV with a metallic telescopic mast mounted to the front end of the vehicle. A parabolic antenna mounted to the top of the mast was connected via an insulated cable to a laptop computer inside the vehicle. The technician technician was driving with the antenna raised to 11.8 metres above ground when it contacted a 14,400volt, single-phase single-phase overhead power power line that crossed the road at a height of 8.7 metres. The technician stopped the vehicle and stepped stepped out when the antenna was still in contact with the overhead power line. The simultaneous contact between the vehicle and ground completed a path for current flow, and the worker was electrocuted.

A 57-year-old plumberwas carrying supplies into a new home that was under construction when he fell almost three metres through an opening into the basem*nt. The man was taken to hospital, hospital, where he died nine days later.

A 26-year-old worker worker on a service rig was preparing to climb a ladder to the monkeyboard (platform on which a derrickman stands to guide pipe). He was putting on his fall-arrest harness as he crossed in front of the drawworks (equipment (equipment used to raise and lower pipe) to get to the ladder. As the worker swung the harness over over his second shoulder, the dangling leg straps were accidentally flung over the draw-works' guardrail and got caught between betwee n the moving drill line and hoist drum. The worker was pulled over the guardrail by the moving equipment and was fatally injured.

A 41-year-old field production dehydration operatorworking at a dehydration facility was performing maintenance on a piece of sour gas compression equipment, when hydrogen sulfide was emitted emitted from an undetermined source. The worker died from overexposure to the gas.

A 46-year-old sanitation worker, who worked at a bakery, bakery, was fatally injured when she became caught in a pinch point of a conveyor system. The worker had crawled crawled under the conveyor and entered the inner drum area of a bread-cooling spiral conveyor. While attempting attempting to clean around the conveyor, the worker’s hands became caught between the rotating drum drive bars and the fixed conveyor support structure.

Occupati tiona onal di disea sease fatalliti fata ties es accepted Disease fatalities represent claims that have been accepted by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) – Alberta Compensation for compensation. They are counted in the year they are accepted.

A 29-year-old roofer, who died from complications to a traumatic brain injury sustained six years earlier.

A 51-year-old administrative assistant, who suffered a massive heart attack on a business trip.

A 61-year-old worker worker, who suffered a fatal heart attack resulting from complications related to medication he was taking for a permanent disability disability from a previous injury.

A 74-year-old 74-year-old heavy equipment worker work er, who died from heart disease and congestive heart failure resulting from complications related to permanent disabilities received in 1975.

A 58-year-old truck driver, whose surgery to correct an injury to his heel after a fall from a tanker truck ladder resulted in heart failure.

The follow following fatali fataliti ties es resulted from exposure to to asbestos.

A 50-year-old welder’s helper, who was exposed to asbestos asbestos in the 1980s while renovating renovating railway bridges bridges and buildings.

A 57-year-old retired glass blower, who was exposed over over 34 years ago to asbestos asbest os used in the t he process of glass blowing.

A 38-year-old labourerwas operat-

A 77-year-old insulator, who was

ing an overhead crane equipped with lifting magnets, which was lifting approximately 9,000 kilograms of steel reinforcement reinforceme nt bars. The load peeled

A 59-year-old electrician, who was

away from thewas magnets and struck the labourer labourer, , who operating the crane using a radio-operated remote control to guide the load. He was under the load when it fell.

exposed to asbestos for the many years he worked in the insulation industry.

exposed to asbestos in the 1970s.

An 81-year-old bus mechanic, who was exposed to asbestos asbestos in the 1980s.



ISSN 0705-6052 ©2002

10th Floor, 7th Street Plaza Pl aza - South Tower 10030 - 107 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3E4

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