The Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio (2024)

THE COSHOCTON TRIBUNE 'THURSDAY EVEXIS DEC- 15 l921- PAGE FiVJS i In Street eatre Together With Three Big Photoplays, Featuring HAROLD LLOYD In "NUMBER PLEASE' Sawing a Woman in Two A KEITH TIME ACT BRING OUR OWN WOMAN BRING YOUR OWN SAW! First Show Starts 6:30, Continuous Prices: 25c 35c Children 10c Sat. hi ght, loin His Greatest Comedy Two Coshocton Women Have Consented to Be Sawed In Two Tonight SOCIITY Call PhoK 205 Miss Mary Martter, Miss Kathryn Young, Miss Cora Kinney and the Messrs. Edward Gaumer, W. M. Sauv-ary, William Roberts, R.

P. Riley, C. A. Binning, Grant Thomas, Raymond Eaton, George Stickrath and Harold Richards. Being unable to attend the affair, Mr.

C. R. Frederickson provided boxes of candy for the ladies as favors. The Value First Store TREATMENT OF CHILDREN'S COLDS The fact that the child is taking cold or has developed one is in Itself cause for alarm. It Is proof that the organs of the human body, are not functioning.

First a purgative; castor oil or a laxative advised by the doctor. Put the child to bed and use Nash's Salve as for croup. Carefully apply wet, hot towels for possibly five minutes to throat and chest to open the pores. Then follow with Nash's Salve thickly. Cover this with warm white flannel and arrange bed clothes In a sort of a tunnel around neek to allow vapors to be breathed freely.

Don't forget to apply a little of the salve up each nostril. Morning will find the cold completely broken and the child In usual spirits. Convalescense will follow quickly and naturally. The same treatment Is equally effective for adults. A group of enipltfa of the American Art Works enjcfd a dinner party of especially pre appointments, Wednesday evenin? in the recreation rooms at the nort plant.

In keeping withe holiday season, 'quantities of Vetide decorations ere used. CenJing the table was beautiful boucct of red poppies, lhile red and gjen candles, held in crystal holders earranged at cither end. Up. Christmas bells and Christmas The latest and most artistically arranged cemetery wreaths at a low price, at the Glatz greenhouse. Cone and see them.

Phone 1373-A. Mrs. Robert West entertained the ladies in district 1 of United Brethren church with a quilting party, and chicken dinner, Wednesday. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. West were: Mrs.

George Hines, Mrs. Charles Young, Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Daniel Hudson, Mrs. Ella Voorhees, Mrs.

Charles Gartslde, Mrs. Maude, Gift (T- streamers of id and green crepe paper were arstlcally used thruout the room. Ap'opriate favors of wee red crystal bis were given, while dainty ChrlstiJs cards marked places for the guest! Covers we' laid for: Mrs. Sophia Foster, Mrs.Jyme Bassett, Mrs. Net- SCIENCE SAYS SNEEZE NATURE'S for i Young, Mrs.

Philip Allen and Mrs. Hennel. en MUFFLERS Make ideal Gifts. Include a Silkv or Wool Muffler in your list and your gifts will be, truly appreciated $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Up To $5.00 NECKWEAR Of real merit that you'll be proud to. give.

Silk and Knitted Ties in a profusion of colors and patterns 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 tie voshall, irs. ismma juemKnecnt, Mrs. MaymeWilden, Mlss Dora Cave, Miss JennleConger, Miss Laila ards, Miss )elores Kohl, Miss Betty Huehes. MS Alice Smith, Miss Ger- Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Miriso and Mr. and Mrs. William Hoope, of Ros-coe, entertained at dinner in their home, Tuesday evening, for the pleas- Indications Point To Public Awakening That mothers and fathers, school and health authorities are awakening to the seriousness of colds Is reflected by the sale of Nash's Salve la our local drug stores. People are buying the salve "in order to have It in the house if needed." This Is the spirit intended to be developed by these articles. The mortality among children can be reduced by close attention to indications of an approaching cold.

Many families, however, are not reached by the printed appeal. Teach- GER SI trude Well Miss Alice Smith, Mis3 lire of the Rev. and Mrs. W. M.

Hart TJntii wtin. Miss Bernice Penner. 1 and daughter. Miss Helen, and the Rev. R.

W. Edmondson. Strong Constitution Tries To Throw Off the Oncoming Cold. Heed the Warning, Mother STOMAff FULL OF GAS DESTROYS APPETITE All kinds of winter wreaths at the Glatz greenhouse. Denman-av.

Phone 1373-A. ers should urge school children to Dr. and Mrs. L. C.

McCurdy, 24b If stomac Is filled with gas from undigested ood, the whole system Is poisoned, c-using tired, nervous feeling and appetite. Simple buck ten their parents the dangers of a common cold and how to relieve it. north Fourth-st entertained at luncheon Thursday, in their home, ton the pleasure of Mrs. McCurdy's thorn barl glycerine, as mixed poisons brofhers and sisters in Adlerlli, expels gas and almost 1J3TANTL1 and gives you Covers were laid for: Mrs. E.

yor-better apetite. Adlerika removes man, Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Burt surprlsini matter from BOTH upper Ermani C. W.

0, Buker, F. May Save Your Child's Life This Winter Considering the very slight cost, the great gooif accomplished by It, It Is a conmon thing to hear a man say after i violent sneeze, "I have taken This is lot so. He is taking cold. The sneere is his system's effort to shake it ff and to warn him to use a preventive. So, mother, when your child sneezes run and get the bottle of Nash's Croup-lreumonia Salve.

Heed Nature's viirnlng. Apply a little with finger vay up in the little nose; have the chill close mouth and breathe deeply; repeat at intervals until cold gets dscouraged and withdraws its and lowr bowel which poisoned you should go right now to the near- ft J. Buker, R. W. Buker, Carson Buker and Dr.

McCurdy. Carson Buker assisted Mrs. McCurdy In serving the delicious luncheon. stomach. EXCELLENT to guard against gipendicitls.

All druggists. Nef baronette and satin cere for between seasons wear in all wanted col ob. Lang Hat Vhop. convenience we have all To your GLOVES Really please and you'll find all kinds you want here, for every kind 'of wear $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 To $5.50 Xmas house decorations, attacks the latest window and auto wreaths, baskets, Children like the Nash treatment; SILK STRIPED SHIRTS Here you'll find an exceptionally fine Madras Shirt with silk stripe. Specially priced at $2.50 Croup-Pneumonia Salve.

i Besides using it personally and deriving uncounted benefits, having the salve In the house might save your child's life this winter. Colds are lnsiduous things. They appear trifling at bedtlmo and at midnight have developed Into a fearsome thing. You may not be able to reach the doctor. Better to have used Nash's Salve earlier.

at the McKeown-Settle store. The It is peasant and does not make them Glatz greenhouse. Phone 1373-A. lunula una jl iuu, it does not interfere with their pre- Lavish assortments of pifts that men like to receive. Practical things assembled with great care by an organization that knows what men of good taste prefer.

Every article featured in this advertisem*nt is of unusual merit and exceptional value. A LIST OF GIFTS MEN ALWAYS APPRECIATE Manhattan Shirts, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Bradley Sweaters, $5, $7.50, $8.50 to $10.00. Handkerchiefs, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Bathrobes, $6.75 to $11.00.

Silk Shirts, $5.00 to $8.00. -Collar Boxes, $1.50, $2.00 to $3.50. Cuff Links, 50c, $1.00, $1.50. Chains, $1.00, $1.50 Up to $5.00. Knives, $1.00 to $2.50.

Pajamas, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 to $5.00. Hats, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Caps, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Flannel Shirts, 2.50 to $5.00. House Coats, $5.00 to $10.00.

Umbrellas, $1.50 Up to $5. You will find many useful things for a man's Christmas at this store. Gifts of quality and excellence. Gifts that will win approval at first glance. scrlplons, in fact, many physicians and hospitals use the same treatment in cses of pneumonia.

Miss Margaret Gallagher very graciously entertained her Thursday Bridge club, Thursday, at her home, 611 Chestnut-st. After the serving of a delicious luncheon at 1:00 o'clock, bridge was played at two tables. Members of the recently organized clul are: Mrs. Hervey Speckman, Mn L. W.

Leonard, Mrs. George C. MUhell, Mrs. Joseph W. Shaw, Mrs.

Hfry Beach, Mrs. Robert Todd, Mrs, E.H. Lynde and Miss Gallagher. I 1 3 given by Mrs. Delva Metz-ler.

Conversation, "Famous Letters," by Mrs. George Mitchell and "Rouiid Table," by Miss Veronica Hanley, concluded the afternoon's program. Mrs. David Metz will entertain informally at her home, 365 south Secourl-st, this evening, for the pleasure of the W. W.

T. club. Among those who will enjoy the The AInhi class of Methodist Pro-tetant church will meet the ourch parlors at 5 o'clock, Friday ening for their December meeting, HI Ml Mh ather than at 7 o'clock, as had previously been planned. ALL HEALED affair will be: Mrs. Fred Balmer, of Springfield, a former member of the club; Mrs.

Clarence Johnson, Mrs. V. Herber Sergeant, who Is study- Mrs. Carl Rogers, fj medicine at Harvard Medical Jesse Grandstaff, inw nappy, tsaya icvoibuu, jjuuhh FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER There is hope. Spinal analysis will discover the cause of your trouble and thru CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS will give you HEALTH.


Phone 1611, "One that I would rather have than Mrs. Harry Uichaids, Mrs. Chester Dunlap and Mrs. Guy Hedge. school, Cambridge, will come to Isleta next week to spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Orvllle W. Sargeant. thousand dollars." "Money Isn't everything In tls world. There Is many a big hearU, rich man who would give all he Xs on earth to be able to produce a rn- STERLING SILVER BELT BUCKLES With genuine hand-raided cow-hide belts.

Give him one of these and see him pleased $1.00, $1.50 Up To $5.00 An especially interesting program HALF HOSE Of Wool, Silk, Lisle or Cotton are always Buy them by the pair or box 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c To $1.50 Pair edy with such mighty -healing poferi ag glven at the reglJiar m6Gting of Mrs. Ell English, 327 north Thir-teenth-st, entertained the members of the T. T. T. Sewing club, Wednesday afternoon, In her home.

The afternoon was spent in needlework and later delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Members of the club are: Mrs. as i-eiersou uihuhoui, iu stm a the Junior Woman's club hold Wednesday afternoon, at the library. Roll call was responded to with, "Pnmmnn 'Error In Sneftdh." followed by a well' prepared paper on, "Better, Carl Wisenburg, Mrs. Clifford Reamer, Mrs.

George Johnson, Mrs. O. Rea- mer. Mrs. Dora Johnson.

Mrs. I. Knir- for 60 cents a large bos Dear Sirs: "I was an untold sufferer froi an old running sore and ulcers. had tried most everything without relief froTn pain. A friend told ne of your wonderful ointment and t' first box took away the pain that not left me before In years, and tier using Just nine dollars wort? of the salve I am cured.

The ulcer as nine Inches by 64 inches, is all hled and The HACK-LORENZ Co. tat Heartily witnom rear jllgh Mr8i Ira lloagland( Mrs. titi. a -Mi uarnenrer. Mrs.

urieuo reuerick a vv uiimei i nun i u. fiuai autoco mi- O-Na Stomach Tablets to promptly re- Mrs. Ben bnaffor, Mrs. orover Move after dinner distress and indl- son, Mrs. John MoCullougb, gestion or money back.

George Baumgardner, Mrs. Ross Hamilton and Mrs. English. I can walk. Never, never I be TWO BURNED without Peterson's again HUMS PROGRAM "You may use this to r-ommend YOU ARE INVITED TO SELECT Mrs.

James DaUon, of Columbus, your ointment if you wish. I cannot say enough to praise it." ours truly, a coda? chest, card table, book shelf, brlf in the homQ of Mr a Mrs. Albert Southcott, Lyronvlllo, N. COHtumer, hall rack, mirror, floor or WHEHLINO, V. Doc.

15. Attempting to kindle a firn In a grate by pouring korosene on It, Felma Dawson, aged 8, sustained probably fatal burns today and her sister Eva, 14, will be DISPUTE SCHOOL Y. Mall orders filled by person uim ment Buffalo, bC. Premiers To Confer PARIS. Dec.

14. Premier Briand will go to London on Sunday for a conference with Premier Lloyd Georg on the Gorman Indemnity situation It was announced today. The premier Is pledged to Insist on the strict enforcement of the London ultimatum and tho payment of the Indemnity Instalments due In January and February- He 13 due back In Paris Wednesday. scarred for life. A neighbor dlscov- 'Hero will be a Christmas program ere(1 tho flr tfl8t followed the Mt.

Dispute school at 7:30 Satur- Plosion and firemen found the two Mrs. John Owens, 054 Orange-st. She will return home Thursday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. G.

Mollltt, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Owens, for thu past two months. Mr. and Mrs. John Rehard, of New-comerstown, were guests Wednesday and Thursday of relatives and friends In Coshocton and Hoscoe.

stand lamp, tea wagon, carpet sweeper, vac cleaner, picture, tray, bath cabinet, npinet desk, smoker, phonograph, piano bench, fernery, pedestal, writing deKk, sectional book case, sewing cabinet, or basket, gate legged table, baby walker or crib, end table, desk table, library table, bed room stand, brass or Iron bed, china closet, set of dishes, buffet, dining table, bed room suite, dining room suite, overstuffed or cane livlns room suite. limp bodies on the floor. Both are In a hospital. Unclaimed Mail Buy her a gift she will appreciate. One of our S7.50 THE MOST PLEASING DESSERT v( Are you a busy housewife and also W'lse one? If so, you kno wthe value of substituting delicious candies for the trouble of making desserts.

Try It two or three times a week. Ittwlll save you time, trouble and money. Especially enjoyable they are, for our home-made candles are made of purest ingredients, and the richness of our confectionery will make you like it. To be sure of good Home-Mada Candy for Xmas give us your order now. Dates, Figs and Nut of all kinds.

Cut Flowers and Floral Designs from Clary Bros. Mrs. D. A. Tuttle, of McKees Rocks, G.

A. Burroll, Mrs davenports, lounge, couch, davenport is spending a few days with Mrs. hate at $3.50. Now Frank Cesser, George John CINDERELLA TONIfiHT Would you tae religion at the point of gun? See NEAL tART As "THE GHTING PSON" In his lst and greatest (Oen play, "HE-L'S OASIS" Shipper, Miss Elma Smith, Suits, Ralph Williams. on saie ai me jang nat Shop.

sun table, dressing table, dresser, vanity, princess or regular, bed room, bench, chair or rocker, reed, overstuffed or wood rocker, kitchen cabinet, side table, stove, linoleum, rug, mattress, bed springs, comforts, doll cart, kiddie cars, boys' auto or tricycle for that Christmas present and you will make a hit ROSE UROE. Furniture Store. One lot children's hats Harry T. IJarron, 222 north SIxth-st. The Missionary society of the First Baptist church will meet In the church parlors Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

A good attendance is anticipated at this meeting. Mrs. Fred Balmer, of Springfield, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WJlhelm, 1434 Walnut sL 4.

Miss Jessie Lyons returned to her home on Coshocton Route 4, Wednesday, after an extended visit with ber uncle In Conquest, Saskatchewan, day (jvenlng, December 24. The following program will be given: Kong School. Recitation Mildred Longstrrth. Recitation Pauline Endsley. Monolog Mildred Fox.

Recitation Carrie Lou Strickler. Recitation Edmond Jacobs. Recitation Clarence Longstreth. Exercise Three girls. Monolog Harold Lower.

RecitationHerman Jacobs. Solo Harvey Fox. Recital Ion Harper Strickler. Recitation Mildred Longstreth. Recitation Hurchel Jacobs.

Letters to SantaHarry Jacobs. Dialog Two Views of Christmas. Recitation Hazel Lower. Monolog rhilip Longstreth. Recitation Hetvy Fox.

Recitation Anna Mae Strickler. Exercise By four boys and Sajota. fiong By two girls. RecitationSam LongstreUi. Monolog Mildred Longstreth.

Recitation Pauline Endsley. I) la log A Chilstmas Crazy Class. SongSchooL IN fc. Li IN 635 Main Street. at $1.50 Friday and Satur day.

Lang Hat bhop. Bibles and Testaments A GIFT THAT CANNOT BE EXCELLED We have the largest and best line of Bibles ever displayed in our store. Teachers, Scholars and Home Editions, bound in good leather, gilt edge, both indexed and plain. -Visit our store. Let us show you the ual-ity of binding and paper of these books.

Page and Lorenz The Gift That iymbolizes Friendship To close friends as -well as one may give Stationery. It suggests the exchange of intimacies, Butlet Pe paper of refinement and dignity with a quality that makes "The Gift "will find this Stationery in our line. We guarantee quality and satisfaction. THFWIMMER-ARNOLD CO. THE GIFT STORE Th Needleworkers' Sewing club was delightfully entertained Wednesday Afternoon In the home of Mrs.

Gorge Webb, 854 Orangeit. After enjoying the afternoon sewing and In Informal social diversion, the hostess served a Jellclous lunch. Inclu-ded In the guest list were: Mrs. Charles Carpenter, Mrs. John Young.

Mrs. Frank 'Shank, Mrs. Charles Mil-ligan, Mrs. Charles King, Mrs. Russell Raymer, Mrs.

Burnett Moore, Mrs, Louis Hastrins, Mrs. Harold Hersh-man, Mn Charles Iawson, Wra. Arthur Dawson, members of the rlub, and Mn Russell MlUlgan. Mr. W.

JSaarary and Mn L. T. Jndd, the Dry Agents Freed CHARLESTON', W. VA Ia'l5. A verdict of acqalltil was returned to-1 day in the trial of Ray Miller and 1L! R.

Phlpps In federal court both fed-; eral prohibition agents charged with killing Ward Atkins, Llncoln-eo last; I July. Ths prosecution failed to pr jduce any evidence showing that the defendants flrmf thu fatal.

The Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.