The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Commercial Appeali

Memphis, Tennessee

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19 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS SATURDAY MORNING JANUARY 1 1966 Dogs and Apts for Purn HAPPY Apt for 121 MEDICAL CENTER AND DOWNTOWN rv I I MW HKlH THIS LOOk-S TH BEST SB I HO HO! AND TH' SAMfc TO VOU OUR FINE-CEATHERED FRIEND' rtNltiV p'i i am unr a ui-iullu 111 iu mm Cry fs HAPPV NEW YEAR VrJ I WOULDN'T HAVE BET A i HL DtHU 1 'fbMK uis HUFt -ft ri -y 'at jrasSc to Household Goods 100 Reconditioned and GUARANTEED J48 Refrigerators S38 uaa ivaugcj LlV-KOOm SUlteS $44 5 1 Down t-L lerms 1 House of Chrome "DISCOUNT' 92 Main FURN MART INC JA 56678 ISIrm zstit rtr DDierc Campers Travel Musical Instruments Plrt Rock Fertillier riKtwoOD ford $2250 Rich dirt Vio-i hsand' UP Ashworth FarmsJ OLD ROTTED HULLS Hnmnl man rAYHFBnt A- BASS 386-471 386 8655 HULLS $6 Barnyard Fertiliser i uv-k-u LgWU JB6 Ab Form Auctions Auction Specialties Mineral Wells Miss EXTENDS Holiday Greetings Tn Atl Thr Friends Customers We Sell Anything at Auction WTiMftJWrH 219 Madison MIY Hav 71 AI1AI1A $150 Kan prairie $145-Iespedeza $145 wheat straw ft Sfffl and rain' FI iel 386 2446 1 Ih'lldllf heed i Supply Feed Seed -72 AKK HI 525-3737 ct Kobe Lespedeza seed Poultry Eggs Supplies FOR SALE Quail pheasants mallards 8r jeese Crow Farm Shooting pteserve Hwy 2 Corinth Miss Ph 462-4115 Memphis distri butor oj our dressed quail Cardinal Hatcheries 452-5706 Livestock -76 ANGUS CATTLE 5 Registered Bulls 21 to 22 mo old Lileenmere Breeding 1 Registered Bull 15 mo old Bar- doher breedinii 1 Registered tow bull calf Birdeve Kilninnnara on iv loung grade springing Annus COWl 45 tirade Angus Heifers avenue 400 lbs FRANK ROBISON M1SS jo! EVER'BODY' Rooms and Board 1465 Men nice rm twin beds plenty good food lunches showers 275-7482 Rooms for Rent Furn 113 PFR WFFK Ti ii I ne vjeoroe vincenr noTei i 855 UNION AVE 525-3676' HORSON KERNS CO Management rm-rrT rTAii ii(JltL K1MU CU II UN FRONT AND JEFFERSON Enjoy the comforts and convenience of Downtown Hotel living Attractive mommy rales TENNESSEE HOTEL THIRD UNION Ph 575 662 Attractive rooms private baths maid siz 8 Tllv 1 co ee! BEAUTY for 2 Living room dbrm nvt hath nvt pnt Steam heat 1042 MADISON TERRACE HOTEL Rooms Ants $15518 wk 2083 VOLLINTINE Strictly private bedroom bath entrance A-C Good heat TV $50 Man 5j GeAT" ra 1 3 II I fContinued From PrecpdinH Page) MAN nl mature judgment mechanically inclined no age limit light work in comfortable bldg air cond manufacturer 20 to 40 lira a week invest S5000 secured collateral hourly wage share in profits Send brief resume Box P-59 care of this paper MAJOR OIL COMPANY Km 3 bay Service Stations in North and South Memphis Financial assistance available Salaried training program Call Herndon Ore 948 5S53 nites 274-8613 or contact Mr ClamDit nites 357-2234 or at office Park Tower Restaurant For Lease Located in heavily DODUlated medical area across from new Veteran's Hospital fullv equiooed 5 Nn Scimerville 776-5117 FOR LEASE Two latest design excellently located Phillips 66 Service Stations Both 3-bay 2 lift Training financial men Call Don Plvler 946-1013 nites FAST growing wholesale tov co needs additional caoitol minimum Bvest $2500 orefer working Diirtner calls apply 1337 Madison 10 a -4pm WANTED io PURCHASE partnership in liquor store or dry cleaning olant or nardware store Reasonable Write Box R-631 care this paper Business for Sale $150 MILLION We have business and romornte purchasers with over $150 million cash available If you own a busi- ennlrol rat nuinl inn ihnl is elidible for merger or rush sale write or can louay we sneciaue in company sales corporate meraers and acquisitions locally and nation- V' Area Code 901-274 2333 UNITED PROPERTIES INC Nationwide Merger Specialists Division of American Realty Service Corp So Bellevue Bon 4831 Memphis Tenn 38104 AKhfYOU L(X)KIN(1 FOR A COINli BUSINESS IN A SHOPPING CENTER? Everything this children's ihoo is perfect Ideal for husband and wife team Owners now working 3 regular and 1 extra salesladies See this weekend MRS MFYFRS BR 4 4612 LOUISE BURROWS REALTY CO SMALL furniture store low over- head Pron 8 B7860rcs7orStaSne sdin 7 Studio Dent store r-- incession low Dercentaae Owner leaving town Details phone 87? 1807 or write PO Box 1502 Mem phis UROCERY-market variety store 40 yrs location Making money Real business Retiring 526-9932 or BR 5-346 GOOD paving Liundermat 20 washers 6 dryers extra machines for parts Illness forces sale 357-1639 I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS Lr Me anuw iuu fli A UZ UII1DI TV 1T19HII ImImM Opportunities Building Materials it BIKCtl Danling 4x8 2nds Plywood 1 side good 4x8 Paneling prefinished damaged Nails mixed dmgd keg Floor tile 9x9 Alum windows incl screen Entrance doors dmgd 30x68 Paint good grade ext gal Masonite 4x8 Roll roofing 2nds Bath sets 3 oc Comolete $295 Vjo 295 (b! 4 2 1 69 1251 7595 Wood windows each 100 SAVE ON BUILDING MATERIAL BILSKY'S 1078 Jackson Barn raming Special 2x6 econ $50 R-L econ 1x12 $65 2000- 1x6 Illil $65 'V 4x8 sound 1 side $3 20 4x8 prefin panel $4 Ea Attic Stairways 115 Ea 2964 Third 3V6 0695 Whittinpton Lumber Co Let us quote you on house patterns SPECIALS 2x4x8 studs ea 35c Preflnijh Mahog paneling $399 Pn nih Rir-h P-ncmt ECONOMY HOUSEFUL $99 includes Kit and cartxrt avail Vl dresser bed 84" sofa 3-dc dinette blockjo Sears 2759845 DELUXE HOUSEFUL $249 includesi81 HOLMES employed gentlemen 4-pc BR suite mattress and box! only private front bedroom off street springs 2-pc LR suite 5-pc parking 323-3229 NEW YEAR To All Our Clients and Friends DAVE DERMON CO REALTORS INSURORS 526-7366 360 PAULINE No 1Newy deco rated All-electric kitchen Water fur nished $6950 PERCY OALBREATH SON Inc 56 Man 525-3681 806 rm ant heat water aaraae furn 682 1052 BR 5-9626 LAMAR PARKWAY Spacious 2-bdrm duplex tvoe apts Laundry rm $8950 1903 Pkwy 274-2469 458-9622 2-BR Furn or Unfurn Carpets drapes central AC stove refnaeiator 114 Willett 272-327 1042 MADISON TERRACE HOTEL wk Rms wk Aots FRAY51ER 2 52'xl0' mobile nome wasner iv i668 uena Dr Mar1' Ann Tr' Park' 358-4968 37 SO REMRERT liv room BR dinelter kitchen bath Ulil furn 274 1735 R30MS hath nvt entrance I Wasiing machine included 1st! llooi take children 5752688 2035 LINDEN 3 rooms and bath niceiy furnished aot Couple onlv 452-3149 BR 6-6634 WARM Lovely "HONEYMOON' 7 l- rms $57 utils Adults JA 6-2926 Adults JA 6-2926 1017 Ayres Brick Mons Navv 56 NO BELVEDERE Ant 4 nice 1 becirm rugs good furniture ODen days $70 water pd 274-5771 I 162 CLARK PL 2 bdrm apt heat hot cold water furn $80 mo 272 1270 1 NICE furnished 3 room apt Utilities paid 1 blk off Parkway Summer 324-0476 1939 NELSON 4 Rm aot convenient 1 child $20 week 3-room apt Couple onlv $14 week 276-8688 CLEAN nvt bach apt Refined home no deposit maid service Off St Park Bus Man 272-2896 2043 McLEMORE 4 rooms upstairs pvt entr $50 Water furn CaJl jfter 5685-5229 598 COX Bdrm kit pvt ent bath util furn errol couple $55 mo 275-9862 909 ROWER Near Park-High land 3 rms bath gas water furn Couple only $65 452-6126 Fair- LOVELY 2 apt East grounds bus Settled adults BR -1 4621 977PEABODY 2 rms bach eff Auto heat A-C pkg $58 431 STONEWALL Small apt up stairs Utils No children BR 5-6112 nl A 274-4813 1361 PARKWAY refined settled couple clean steam heat Sears 55 CLAYBROOK" 3 rms bath utilities 274-4813 after 3 pm 1789 ATLANTIC 3 rooms pvt bath utilAdults onlv $55 323-9958 1112 McLEMORE 2 ROOMS $9 week AC narking 048-8423 948J571 2734 BURNS Utilities pd Couple's only $65 452-3620 1260 AGNES 3 rooms bath utili-tiesdults 274-0721 172 McKeller 2 rms oriv bath entrance util fum Couple 948-1496 GUEST house 3 rm See to appreciate Gas water 272-1869 2 3-ROOM apartments furn 1789 Lindem Utilities TWO 2 hdrm ants lieht and water furn mo BR 4-0836 3 ROOMS upstairs pvt entr Water turn 80 Carson $60 452-2010 '1014 PHILADELPHIA Duplex ant 3 rms bath 514 wk 948-5177 IDEAL NAVY Nice private apart ment $60 mo 872-1148 ri Sheetrock own haul $149 HAPPY NEW YEAR SOUTHERN MILLWORK Iemporarv store hours until the 3506 Lamar soring horse show season starts 91 TTT- a to 7 pm week days closed Buildinqs for Sole -88-A Trailers SWEETS TkAVEI TRAILERS Norris: Road-runner Mag etc Trailer Hiiches all types needs $750 up 3117 Summer 452 3428 -TT Office EaDt Suoolles 89 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CALCUIA- I'IH I ASH Kltilbll-KS ClltLK WRITERS Sold Rented Repaired Bought DOYLE 25' Monroe 526:3204 WE BnY seil and rent new and used office furniture safes vault doors file cabinets Kardex check writers misc equip Used Equip Exchange 823 2ndS25-5910 OFFICE EQUIPMENT New and Msed desks chairs file cabinets Complete stock of stationery A Taylor Inc 18 Second St DEMONSTRATOR and rebuilt "clear-ance adding machines cash registers calculators Free trial or deraoViic'orBusMach323-8588 IBM STD EXEC Elec All typewriters Small 10-key Add Mnch Cal Sell Repair FREE TRIAL -Yr Guar 275-7733 Robinson SEASON'S GEETINGS CI'RRIE TYPEWRITERS INC 1335 Overton Park 276-4449 TYPEWRITERS" Repair sale rent Dixie 3624 Lamar 363 2404 DRY COPY MACHINES Nt-W USED FRED KRFMP CO 525 8451 USED transfer files $150 to $350: each Used Eoummenl Exc hange Hr rirTnTnof $2500 SHOW WALKER nre-prool eiA DDtiflpni Ennt an Store Restourant EqpT VB CLOSING PRESENT STOCK Many items New used store restaurant equipment CUSTOM STORE FIXTURES 552 So Main E-Z TERMS 526081 CASH REG Adding mach New and used Dixie 3624 Lamar 363-2404 Air Conditioning Fans 91 WE BUY USED AIR CONDITIONERS -irs ruAi Dm uvf-c rv 2601 CENTRAL FA 7-16671 Miscellaneous for Sale -92! PIP 80 IB Vi" 80 lb pressure 100 lb pressure 1" 100 lb pressure 100 LB 4 60 lb press $1020! Other ud to 2" A FUIMER SON 3745 Lamai 363-2920 FAUCET PARTS hX'NEAR Airport extra large lovely good neighhoihood trade $5000 -fceyeri Surx-ty Realty bay gfijfgfc tODd hav rm Pvt home entr batn 1 or 2 refined men 363-2904 BUSINESS man or employed lady Ptiv entran bath air cond 276- 2893 FRONT ROOM adjoins bath kit New furniture nriv Emn lady Near Jackson bus 274-5919 670 AVALON Gentleman large rm ad'oining bath $10 wkly 274-1856 1266 Sears Private man Refrigerator 57 UK 6-6548 'TtWft rrUTOil s51a nrul rnnm $8 wk Man 274-8393 730 HIGHLAND Nice rm Pvt ent good heat Man MSU 323-2050 SO- 1H1KL-Pvt t-si-whu 974 FORREST Gentleman Room Jiextjo bath 527-6748 261 WATKINS Sleeping room pvtent good ocatiom 1541 PEA BODY Man room mate beds Pvt bath 25-8850 LAMAR Airways Home atmosphere Kit priv Man 458-8308 3707 MARION Pvt home front rm adj bath bus MSU FA 4-0756 FRAYSER Extra nice cent heat TmealoptJ57-4159- 1905 Lovely room pvt home ent bus Emol man REX 200 Union wkly rates steam heat running water shower LARGE" Room pvt home good heat 275-9752 POPLAR-Crosstown TV refrigerator garage 275-0139 1912 Room for employed man Kitchen nriv 276-7216 1441 VINTON Nice warm bed-1 room pvt oatn z5-4yiu PEABODY Girls 276-8655 275-5753 Single or dbl Wanted to Rent NICE unfurn house 4 BR 1 baths wnnenaven oieieueu wuuiu vuu-sider others 391-4509 Shcre Apts Houses -119 MAN 20 to 30 to share attractive home with same pvt room 452-4863 after 1 pm MALE To share large apartment wi th same Prefer college grad 274- 8526 BUSINESS girl share 2 bedroom apt with same 452-34J Apt for Furn 120 NEW FURNITURE Air Conditioned 1792 Pendleton BR $80 Bethel Grove Sec See Mrs Brown 1778 Pendleton Apt 1 458-994 1160 Jefferson Apt 11 2 BR $90 1 1161997 Bring Sample of Part Needed I rqwsfy furniture CO Jatk RlUD SM ES CO SS'1 948-5651 nn'' ftP 8S9 Third 948-4508 SO effic util furn Tor sellina-o'lher interests Call 2712 IU) CHERRY Comhinaiion dairy burger bar Good potential slt un or nm- om-ojz BFaUTY SALON 4 operator ahop good business 323 4075 Stocks BonOs Koyalties 5 INDIVIDUAL has several $500 dollar first mortgage church bonds for sale 357-5448 Money to loan HOW to borrow money without increasing your present monthly pay meRtsi Tall or DIXIE FINANCE CO 161 So Mam 527 8581 Madison 525-7611 HOME OWNERS Get your money from SAFE-WAY THRIFT I-OAN CORP Call 526-3562 for 1ST OR 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS FIDELITY LOAN i SAVINGS' 117 Union 525-6441 437 Cleveland 276-7364 1909 Third Latge Small Puyments CHED1THRIFT OF AMERICA 439 Clevctand-274 5410 4689 Poplar Ave -82 6657 Monev for all your needs Annhcat'ons taken by phone I I DICKINSON it CO '2 Union JA 6-4341 SMALL REAL ESTATE LOANS i T- SIArv17 STATE SAVINGS BANK LOANS MY PHONE i GUARDIAN DISCOUNT CO LOANS AT LOW RATES MEMPHIS HANK TRUST CO 1415 Union 272 3471 4515 Poplar MONEY for all your needs AIDRD CREDIT CORPO RATIO 9 NO THIRD ST 525-5527 PERSONAL LOANS $25 to $1500 7 i-ul n-i r7 irii Doqs and Pet DANETOV" A1 nOP III A FVV5'SfeS HARLEQUIN SHOW OU4lt TY PUPS START One and two-bedroom apartments Wired for air condtionins water heat stove and refrigerator furnished Open daily for inspection 3M NO CLAYBROOK NO 26 J6750 PER MONTH 14 DIANA NO 5 $60 PER MONTH 360 NO CLAYBROOK NO 3 S79S0 PER MONTH 1377 Overton Park No 7 7 vi PER MONTH Uoniee BLDG Realty Co 527-4153 or 525 Free Rent to Jan 15th METHODIST HOSPITAL BDRM APT Spacious 18 ft living room kitchen appliances coiui lots of closets central heat air-conditioning SEE 305 PASADENA PLACE Apt 4 (corner of Vance) mo LUXURY 1-BDRM APT $80 MO Wall-to-wall carpets drapes stove refrigerator disposal air-condition-inB central hea' SEE1162 VANCE AVE Apt 2 (1 blk West of Belle-vuelallarjaUiO WHITEHAVEN NEW MARVELLE APTS GOLD MEDALLION All electric large 1 bedroom carpets drapes range refrigerator washer conn auto heat air cond 4500 Hudgins Adults $80 POPPENHEIMER 398-5856 396-0536 398-6907 AIR CONDITIONED Completely Redecorated 628 Dison 3-2 BR $6250 NEW STOVE REFRIGERATOR Longview Heights section See Mrs Fill 644 UlSOn ADC 6 740-5jy is li fr tViaTlfUllfl DIUS JTsCctliy i-u 327566I tr A CT AyiTJMDMIC 4029 BERKSHIRE No 11 (Corner of Graham) 2 bedroom air conditioned $7750 BOSHWIT BROS 208 Dermon Bldg 526-5871 dTewTld apts! 30 idlewild APT 106 2-BEDROOM CENTRAL AIR COND CARPETS DRAPES BUILT-IN RANGE AND OVEN VENT A-HOOD WALK-IN CLOSETS SHERATON REALTY 182TILLMAN 458-8238 NORTHGATE APTS CENTRAL HEAT AND AIR COND SWIMMING POUL Beautiful 2-bdrm aots Adults only Shopping center On bus line wash er conn disposal large closets see Res agent 3221 Thomas Apt 5 357 0306 or 527 6431 1150 Jefferson-3 BR $65 Large rooms Near Medical Center and town See Mrs Rose 1160 Jefferson Apt 18 274-0479 Margolin Bros Realty Co 102? Hollywood 327-5661 LAMAR PARKWAY Soacious 2-bdrm duplex tyoe aots Laundry rm S72 50 1903 Pkwy 274-2469 458-9622 On Foiiowing Pagei Apts for Rent Unfurn 121 Mendenhall Garden Apts Now Available 1-2-3 bdrms from $12950 up Ris Mq- (82-1127 56? Mendanhall Apt 7 Union Realty Co 527-4431 Carpet Brand New Bedroom Walk-in totals Pool Central A Schools 1-12 Furnished or Eat-in kitchen Conditioning ty bus at door Unfurnished 51 Hwy Frayser Blvd GOLDEN HAVEN 1045 JEFFERSON At new VA Hosp and Medial Center Luxurious efficiency and l-bdrm apts turn or unfum Starting at $85 mo OFFICE OPEN DAILY Day 276-1788 Night 274-4243 Freddie Gold Realty Co 1045 Jefferson THE SAVOY Economical Luxury Medical Center KING-SIZE EFFICIENCIES fl) Carpets drapes full kitch (2) laundry Dry Clean pickup (3) Pool sundecks lounge (4) 4 minutes downtown (5) 5 buses outside Model Unit on Display FURNISHED $9100 1030 Poplar 275-5109 CHERRYCREST APTS 1460 CHERRY RD I 2 and 3-bdrm luxury apts with central air dish- washer disposal range refrigerator carpets and drapes laundry facilities pool and lovely park-like setting From $9750 Sen Mrs Wilbourne No 35 682-2581 Louis Wm Epstein Ofc 323-5518 3093 Broad Sahara Apts 12J Ringham Furn or Unfurn A Poplar $9950 Brand-New 2-Bedroem CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING DRAPES WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING STOVES REFRIGERATORS PLENTY OF PARKING Call 327-3575 NEW Americiana Apts One and Two Bdrms Carpets drapes stove re frigerator dishwasher disposal all electric Swimmintj Pool and tennis courts COVERED PARKING $8fl50 and $10350 nnfurn Furnished apts also available 2050 Winchester Just west of Airways Phone 3W-I797 FRIGIDAIRE I Parkdale Apts Parkway at Airways Furnished or Unfurnished Lovely Wooded Grounds SWIMMING POOL Near shopping center bus lines Slove refrigerator Venetian blinds water and 220 wiring furnished Parking and laundry facilities available 1 aid 2 BR unfurn t4 up JEMISON SONS Realtors 2306 Pkwy 272-256 TOP LOCATIONS 1220 Overton Pk $9950 Lunurlou? 2-bdrrn carpttinq rnga drdpti and rt(rigrtor ovr 1000 It 55 Evergreen Nw large 2-bdrm ot kitchen drtptt rings nd rt-frlgaritor 1170 Peabody $95 Al MtthodUt Hotpital 2 bdrm drpt rngt nd fofnqtr-itor 63 Cooper S85 2 bdrrm drspti ring ind rt- frlgtrtor Dy 276-I7U Night U3-UI3 FREDDIE GOLD Realty Co IMS JKirion Club Drapes IJfk-JX Housa DawnVfg Crest Near town and iweoicai center aeej Lawn service 327-2746 452-468 160 Jeffers0n- ADt' 8l LAVAr-A'KW-WS AREA inSi i -on til crcl7 LaPaloma CI No 4 Attractively 1761 Orleans 2 BR $7750 decorated 2 BR air conditioned wpur sTfiVF and RFFRICFR ATO i Swimming pcol Laundry room Sen Heights1 SRecUonIGSeeAMrsR "Wfe 4'i Filf 644 Dison Apt 6 946-5759 LARKIN-GOWAN Inc 1998 Philsar BR $75 'Realtors 275-8174 1475 Union I TIAK KUitl wnnii 1 THE ONLY LOVE MONEY CAN Lumaer 97 WELCOME GOOD PEOPLE1 PIANO HEAVEN PIANO WAREHOUSE SALE Warehouse Full of Used Pianos $2650 UP! WHILE THEY LAST New and Used $9 DOWN Plus Tax Can Deliver Largest Selection of Used Pianos in the Mid-South Practice Pianos $49 $58 $63 S78 S86 92 112 SI 18 $140 $165 $180 $192 and up Home of ROGERS ORGANS in Memphis Southern Piano Organ Co 239 Cooper 272-7484 Rebuilding Phone for Estimate OPEN 'TIL 8 Gold th sm KIMBALL Artist Console piano new KIMBALL ORGAN like new $595 MAGNAVOX ORGAN latest model C'0NN ORGANS from $1105 rrMx rnsole Pianos from $695 Many other bargains to choose from No money down-36 mos to pay hi KIH rLOUK DOWNTOWN ONLY LET YOUR CHILD TRY Before vou buv Piano Play Time Rental $8 mo Hammond Organ Studio 482 Perkins Ext 682-4637 TV Radio Hi-Fi Stereo 98 (C lac I 1 $28 Buy Pay Later All sizes all models to choose from New and used in stock down delivers Call HOUSE of CHROME 92 Main JA 5-6678 REPOSS 4 CLOSEOUTS CONSOLF 23" TV $175 wk Portable 19" TV $125 wk Portable Motel TVs Over 200 to choose from $4995 UP $5 down $5 mo TV SALES CO 3191 WATKINS 358-0118 COLOR TV'S No down payment No monthly payments for 4 months Small monthly payments We guarantee a clear picture STOKER Furniture Discount Co (if 1174 So Bellevue 948-1631 TVs RENTED $10 MO TV SALES CO 3191 WATKINS OPEN "TIL 9 PM 358-0118 NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS COLOR TV New 1966 model full warranty $399 No money down $15 mo Firestone Eastgate only SOlO Park 682-7637 CREDIT NO PROBLEM TV STEREO $8 MO TRANS-SOUTHERN FURN 272-1734 GOOD BAD NO CREDIT TV No money down $800 mo 1st payment 45 days Posev Furn Annl 9Jfi 7A7S pfcK PAYMENTS on Stereo TV radio combination Like new real Jffl' 75 a week Quality 948-3378 iscrvj iv airimu rauio comn only 2SU no money dn lis mo Firestone 1030 Linden only 275-3181 AsKtorjacK Bui or veiton PICK UP PAYMENTS 2V TV new guarantee $150 wk Quality 1294 Lauderdale 948-3378 27 MAGNAVOX TV AM-FM Radio-Stero Combination Mcdtterrt oean style $3tjo 386-67YA TAKE UP PAYMENTS ON 23" RCA console TV $8 30 per mo Bittman's Appliance 274-8365 USED 21" TVs Good cond J2995 Central TV 820 Holmes 324-8255 Sewing Machines Singer Auto Zig-Zag v-SCifM monoarams sewsi overcoats forward end reverse stiticnes 55U montti KEE SEWING MACHINT CO summer 3i-io SINGER ZIO ZAG automatic reoo console mnel Tat Pal t7S Talo Pav WOLLNER SEWING CENTER UNIVERSAL 127 Cleveland 276 6589 SINGER: Sews fancy designs Nothing down payment $500 ea Call 324-4882 Htm Discount Co Household Goods -100 50 DISCOUNT FAMOUS name Bedroom and living room suites on our floor (Thom*osonville American of Martinsville United Dixie Cladwell Hooker) and many other famous name brands Open nights til 9 Conv terms JOEL FURN CO 3339 Jackson 324-8766 327-4205 NEWLY-WED HOUSEFUL ALL NEW RCA 11-foot refrigerator 36" gas-range 7 niece living rm suite 5-piece bdrm suite 5-piece dinette Alt new Just W50 week Quality 1294 Lauderdale 948-3378 Buv Now! Pav Later All kinds of furniture nd nnnli ances 7-pc living room suite $48 many bargain priced items to choost from HOUSE of CHROME 92 Main JA 5-6678 $100 sends it home ONLY A JOB TO QUALIFY Poor credit don't matter House full $350 dct week The Furniture Mart 275 9255 YOUNG PEOPLE WITH NO CREDIT Buy your furniture appliances from us at discount orices No waiting or red tane 3191 No Watkins TV Sales Co 358-0118 FURNITURE For you at the price you can afford! The Furniture Center 3104 Summer 327-7351 2331 Lamar 327-5672 427 Watkins 2'6-1786 REPOSSESSED FURNITURE BARGAINSI Royal Annex Furn Co 237 SOUTH MAIN CREDIT NO PROBLEM If vou have stable fob 3 room annl $350 Der week one day service Trans-Southern Kurn 272-1734 GOOD BAD NO CREDIT Living rm dinette bedroom stove and refrigerator $14 mo 1st nav-ment in 45 days No money down for those who uualifv or come by Posey I-urn Appl McLemort and 948-2628 TAKE UP PAYMENTS Houseful furniture 7 PC living rm 5 pc BR 7 ne dinelte auto washer refrigerator 36" slove like new iust $4 wk Quality 1294 Lauderdale 948-3378 GIGANTIC riFAHANI'F QAIP All merchandise selling at new low! prices Good new or weak Credit we can handle Tri State Furn Appl 527-7533 financk co Ri-rossrssioNs Living $15 S30 Dininjj rm $25 refrigerators $29 SO $1450 encyclopedias at giveaway prices Econuniy Furn 3632 Summer Open 9 pm 327 8485 STORAGE FOR SALE STOVES BDRM SUITES RFFRIG-F li A I'D PIANOS r-asnmihly priced I rims if necesiarv Becker Mivma Co 10'' Lamnr 777T6I5 MATTRESSES Kin size extra long and regular 50 per eeni aim ni'ir oil muck Line -iiiviine 111111 LI J-VIIi i 1 umeue new iu cu rt reirigeraiori and new 36" Vesta range SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL S3Q $35 $25 $35 New 5oc patio set New Sealy mattress 312 coils New full size recliner New 84" sofa bed couch New 5-pc dinette set New 2-pc LR suite ROWSEY FURN CO $69 1859 So 3rd at Crumo 948-4508 2235 So Bellevue 943-5651 i BABY furn bikes drapes clothes pictures stove refrigerator dinettes roll-away bunk double single beds round table clothes line pole driftwood 274-9561 SEVEN PC LIVING RM SUITES beautiful colors just $175 wk easy credit 1st payment March 1 1966 uuanty V48 3378 NEED furniture? Credit problems? uiscuss mem wun Jim iJaut Benme Term 452 6558 City Furniture Inc FLORENCE 40" gas range Westing-! nouse re riaeralor Sis en sinn or: bunk beds $15 Moving 1st 3363 Southern NEW 3 ROOM GROUP 99 No down payment iust $5 month Stoker I-urniture Discount 1174 Rollo QD wn WE sell new and used furniture We carry own notes American Furni-tureCo 1223 TV-APPLIANCES No Money E-Z Terms BER 1348 Poplar-BR 6-2751 STOVE refrigerator Metal cabinets dinette set box springs mattress 326-4346 BRASS twin beds complete Like new Antique Fr Prov powder JableschestBassett Call 397-7717 MUST SELL Furniture call" 274-8342 after 10 am 8 ROOMS all new Leaving town 470 NO Willett 274-0360 Sofas BR breakfast set tables stove etc 274-3821 Householg Aec'lonces 1 01 CLEARANCE Friaidaire washer guar 1 RCA Air cond 14000 BTU $239 88 Gas ranges used guar $48 Friaidaire elec range guar $59 Refrigerator guar 1 yr $9995 RCA Air cond 16500 BTU $24988 ACE APPLIANCE CO 3431 SUMMER 324-4408 1255 Hwv 51 Whitehaven 396-0995 WE RENT APPLAINCES GE AUTO washer WA653A with minibasket reg $24995 $19995 w-! trade j30" GE elec push button stove 516995 $12995 w-trade GE Refrigerator 2 door auto defrost $26995 $23995 w-trade GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 4191 Hwy 51 398:9278 PICK UP PAYMENTS on Maytaz automatic washer like new iust $150 a week first payment March 1 1966 Quality 1294 Lauderdale 948-3378 GAS RANGES Used reconditioned trade Cleanest in Memnhis Aot size and full size READ'S GAS Ranges Sales Parts and Service 1069 Watkins 272-9606 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE New refrigerator range or washer only ssu per mo Batman 8365 OnnH ITcpH Rpfricrprntnr vBvv $2995 up All guar No money down Quality J294 Laude rdale 948-3378 Rent Washers Refrigerators Ranges $6 Mo CENTRAL APPLIANCES CO 2601 Central FA 7-1667 GUARANTEED Bargains in used appliances See us APPLIANCE CENTER 2575 SummerJHT? DEEP FREEZE OR REF No money down $12 mo Good bad no credit T7 od lino t- a Nf-w name hrand Washing machines and refrigerators $99 50 up if Salvage 481 Mallory ELECTRIC RANGE $45 condition 323 0030 Good Antiques END OF YEAR SALE REDUCTIONS UP TO 60 PCT Wing chairs 535 6 Walnut Queen Anne dining chairs $350 set Quern Ann side board S35 Brass bed S40 ChiDDendiie low-boy $125 ChiDnen-riale am chair $50 Pr French marble iod commodes $175 SHOP is LOADED with other REDUCED ITEMS SPIVACK'S ANTIQUES 3079 B'OAD 458-5712 PRE INVENTORY SALE on fumi any ture drastic reductions on nieces OLD SOUTH ANTIQUE 6944 Macon Rd 386-9421 CHIPPENDALE love siar snlat back wooden tools other items 1391 Court Apt 12 1 blk east of Cleveland ANTIQUES BOUGHT AND SOLD GRANDMA'S ATTIC 1157 Poplar 275-1219 OLD SOUTH ANTIQUES ANYTHING OID-BOUGHT SOLD 6944 MACON ROAD 386-9421 LARGE STOCKS Antiques lamps chandeliers Wriaht's Antiaues 1503 Madison Wanted -Hsehld vds -104 HIGHEST PRICES paid for used turn and appliances ttomer Furn 235 SMKin 525-2154 BEST prices paid for houseful! of furniture WILSON FURN CO 853- 2664 Res853-2503 WIII huv furnilure anolianees with cash No waiting Memphis Snlvaae 523-195 or 526-975 ECONOMY FURN nays more for used furniture encyclopedias Don give it away 327-8485 Wanted to Purchase 1 05 WILL pay cash for used piano Call alter 6 pm 2Z-J256 Wanted to Purchase 105 NOBODY pays higher prices than CFLMAX on diamonds old gold sterling silver and antique jewelry Also huv from estates and banks Out of town inauiries invited Free i nved nurlcinu edinlnlna hllilllme CELMAX INC (1 block south of Central Stationl 582 Main 525- 6301 NEED GOOD USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES LOCAL MOVE' FOR FI'RNI TORE ni-'CKI'R FURNITURE CO 272 3615 1709 Lamar DIAMONDS uoid antioue iewelrv silverware Purchased for cash CONFIDENTIAL Ranker Memnhis Bank Trust Co Bldg 4515 Ponlar at Perkins PECANS FURS WOOL We Buy Any Amount Isklwitz Co 527-4143 604 MARBLE rear 1155 Thomas WE PAY CASH FOR DIAMONDS old nnin antique jewelry AND GOLD COINS-R A ZANONE in floor si madison bldg WILL PAY cash for sets of encyclopedias Want to purchase now Economv hum 327-8485 WILL PAY cash for sets of encyclopedias Want to purchase now Economy Furn 327-8485 Rooms and Board MOT MINIMA at Lamar and Bellevue refined men hovn Plenty to eat simile or double 275-9546 Mis John lnale 149 CLARK PL Private rms 3 meals 7 davf flce Tor elderly couples 276-8550 GIRLS 1110 I'enbody Excel food 7 days Home pnvueief Also single room Pvt ent TV Bus atop J12 A 7-9638 BR4-157 1368 Nice room twin beds plenty good food steam heat narkim 3 buses 776-6636 1680 Men 3 meals anod food Parking TV 272 710 106 I'FABODY Men Se bovs food Private nurking lot ELDERLY lady $80 Good hum plcnlvfood 24 230 264 Warm Pvt ent Home cookinn EXTRA NICE rm meals opt 1 rm guest house BR HHIi 1367 PEABODY Business and i (eod'e5 vinyl Floor Tile (45 INC PORTA-BILT hr del on movable houses Sizes 6x8 lo 10x30 Alt wealher 4929 Lamar 3613553 1650 Bellevue 948 5534 Henley Mfg CO 4941 Lamar PORTABLE BLDGS ALL SIZES Add a-rooms offices cottages Laminates Inc 682-7261 RE 5-4496 PORTABLE Aluminum storage bldgs Low priced premium quality Kathy Rents 2536 Hwv 51 So 948 8697 Sptq Gds Boats Mtrs -88 BOAT MOTOR MART NEW LOCATION OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY JAN 3 1966 2050 SOUTH BELLEVUE BOAT MOTOR MART 2050 So Bellevue 946 HAPPY NEW YEAR our customers and friends It has been a pleasure serving vou and we look forward to seeing vou in 1965 ad 1datt kaDikiC POLAR KKAhl MAKINb 272-7447 8 am 'til 6 Monday through Kriday Saturdav 'til noon POLAR KRAFT MARINE 1237 ATKINS WISHES PROSPEROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR will be our pleasure to serve you in 19fi(i SKI BOATS MANDFLLA-ORIG SK BOAT NEW Just in from California FT one piece fiberglass hull with yr guarantee METALFLAKF COLOR MOLDED IN Red with black stripe or violet with WIUIO ftnpe PLAIINCj LU Monroe 526 6001 396-4319- WILL lur old cars old cars tor old Buns liver 3 uuu guns iu "ade or sell All kinds of Ammo Camp's Old Gun-Car Museum 70 West Memphis Atk Rff 5-1373 cars for old aun uver suwi guns KU5JLLL iiruMn iviv uiBWiil 525 7232 l- II RY TURBO! r- lis KU i CASH I-OR YOUK HOAl RDATIIOUSF McKeller Lake ant upstairs with sundeck 2 boat slips donsliirs itii Whrjm and DllK HOUSE BOAT 1 965 Drifter 43 siee hu Merrruiser ouianve run galley shower sleeps 8 At Pick wick Coves Memphis 396-9064 JA 5-5461 19(5 Johnson Sale hp Reg $228 Now $169 9''i hp Reg $359 Now $299 SPORTS CENTER 2060 Madison 46 CHRIS CRAFT CRUISER 2 BR 2 heads galley and nvin bridge will sacrifice call DICK MOORE 948-8508 MERCURY SALES ft SERVICE Use mil- Christmas Lav-iwiv I'im SO BELLEVUE MARINE 2598 So Bellevue MIKh 1 hlNrvlINb IVIAKIINC MERCURY Lamar VOLVO GLASSPAP 327-8055 pOLAR KRAI" I MAKlNc MFRCURY Swiss 6 ft Mark Twain "37 Watkins 272-7447 EVINRUDE SALES AND SERVICE Services parts nolvrhokes installed YORK ARMS CO 162 Mam A-I TRAILER HITCH SHOP Custom lio hitch fall chrome) wth hall $795 2909 Summer Sg 5619 Campers-Travel Trailers SAVE $1300 Demo '65 CMC 'i ton lOVj ft Open Road Camper 20 gal water toilet stove oven butane gas light 110 12 volt light stereo Now only $3880 First one gets it IVi ft Camper TVi ft wide 75 lb ice box stove ft oven vent-a-hood 110 ft 12 volt lights 20-gal pressurized water tank mounted on your pickup Only $12675 dn and $3656 per month Don't miss these 2 bargains OPEN ROAD CAMPER SALE 2558 So Bellevue 948-6628 OPEN 9 til 8:30 Sunday 1 to 6 AUDaiJan 1 st 1966 TRAVEL TRAILER CENTER We have a large selection Dck Moore's Hiwav 70 East West Memphis RF 5-2392 Open Sunday Building Materials jTSfeJ mJILDING SUTPUES Tj 800 McLe "FnHnUud Pimrllng SpuW 1" ALUMINUM STORM DOORS Self Storing $1950 FREE DELIVERY for friendly service come see or CALL BOB HOYT JACK RUTH Phone 272-9616 Inventory Clearance Plastic Wall Tile 2C i Wallpaper 15c Campers-Travel 88-A Trailers (£3 38)SJaSt5SS5 SEE WALLS I AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXTENDS I Season's i Greeting To nil their ut Cuitomeri and Friendi WI s7 1 $6 2 1 SPENCE'S irORSE SI KVICI' S-KANCH STORE ARBBKD WIRI $887 American 4 rtiso iann ii-nics ai sizes 11- ga iij si-t'l Rtif tu ift NATIONAL PRESSED STEEL CO '8 Virainla 948-5546 NE 2yr-old registered Angus Bull $150 15 Angus Hereford heifers 18 vcars 3 springing $80 lo '100 10 7 in 10 month yearlings $35 $50 682-6243 REGISTERED Duroc gilts and hoars II toften Olive Brancii Miss Melrose 7 3791 REG Palomino and other horses 4680 Lamar 363 0136 type slocker calves fresh Guern sey cow Hamp boar 391-5592 BABY CALVES REASONABLE 3647 HOI MI'S Ktl 363-1930 THREE GENTLE saddle hoisr Cash or terms 357 0408 or 527-7857 Farm Imp Tractors -79 WHILF this ad lasts-R-'K $188 flexible Dick no harrow 112950 Ren S168 flexible Dick-up harrow $116 50 Simmons Service Co Milimuton Term 872 1143 Auction Sates -80 AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS DELTA AUCTION CO INC 1254 Lamar Belmar Bldg 274-7817 Machinery Tools 1454 GEAR Head Lathe New 1955:0 13x36 Gear Head Inthr new 1957 Cincinnati Vertical Mill New 1958: 3S ton Bliss punch press: 20x96 Heavy duty Gear Head lathe 16x60 Reed Prentice lathe New 1941 Bridgeport Vertical Mill: Np 4 Morey turrent lalhe General Machine Works Inc day 276-5427: night 3V-5579 165 Caitalla Memphis 655 MARSHALL 525-2232 FOR Shears orate rolls drill presses lathes milling machines air com punch presses and other assorted metal workinn machinery MACHINERY SALES CO 465 Main Memphis Tenn 527 8671 HK1IGEPORT mill $1350 10 16 ga hrak Call or write I 1 1 MAI I fl 901 So Third WH 8-8554 buy complete manufacturing Jtfft JW'ffiM' S' WH 8 8554 FORK LUIS Rebuilt Gov Surplus SOUTHERN PARIS CORP 1268 7th 577-5601 fjur -ptTVi i -iv hiL jni -IM wit WH 8-8554 BARGAINS hi speed drills milling BARG CECUM 43 lun in 525 3014 -r Vi r-n Govt surplus and auto parts 1450 I Cl A 77SU SED Welds m0 kind ToT s' '0'h Mnh RE 5-4626 Forney -Loqs Eqptmt 83 WANTED: HICKORY AND PERSIMMON LOGS and BLOCKS Woik Sons Inc BOX201 Memphis Tenn HICKORY PERSIMMON ASH Both Loss and Stum-page CONTACT CHAS COX CORP 2392 FLDRIDGE MEMPHIS TENN 452 6271 BUYING logs green hardwood lumber also needs services of reliable experienced lumber inspector Woods Lumbr Co PO Box 1071Memohis10 38101 McCULLOUGH" chain saw 7Vj 30-in blade needs some work $25 198-5175 oT1 I Building Materials MIXED colored shingles No 2 $250 Fehts lbs'nN02N0- 90 rolls No 2 Smooth roll tooflng No 2 90 19 Selvage roll roofing No 2 80: Alum wind comp 2 8x44 ill 851 Plihung door unit como ill lil New bath sets white comp S76 50 Colored bath sets comp $119 50 Bathroom tileboard 4x8 No 2 $4 80 Masonite hardboard 4x8x's Formica typo coum top kie linu mutes ner so $950 storm doors complete 11850 fjat cuiumns $3 65 8 corner column S650 Insulated siding No 1 per sq $1775 mrh Sheathing plywood $240 'n4x8 paneling V-grooved $2 95 I'rrlinisll manog panning hwv Prefin mahog panel thrifty SJ 84 Prefin Knotty Cedar shop $395 enul htn Hie 45 so ft $679 i i in Hie white 64 sq ft $595 Acc Ceil tile white 64 sq ft $760 I-iberglas insulation per thou $29 50 'JtU I ntex paint per gal $240 557 50 $9 75 57? 50 $108 5160 M' nlesS i44 sheet rock i'x4x8 sheet rock i sneet roc i-je int nlv one side SI '36 1 S257 pipe fit moulding No 1 roofing iA-sn dpi I rn 1001 525 0753 CROWM LUMBER CO 1763 Hollywood Va piywood 4x8 2x4x8 studs ea 105 siding 1x8 per ft Roof decking 1x12 ner ft 321 tSSA 52 75 39c I'jc 7vVc $295 al Paint reg $450 prefin nanei anci ceu Open iniiilnv 'il5 MAD LUMBERMAN RIG ORDERS OR LITTLE 'I1NS WE LIKE EM ALL OPEN SATUR- UTOM EUBANKS LUMBER CO 452-H24 2980 Summer PRE FINISHED" MOLDINGS 2nls but all usable Base shoe cove casing etc You nick it out You haul it 02Vic ner ft Thompson Lbr 2568 Southern IIYMAN BUILDERS SUPPLY 1129 Florida WH 8-1644 Cheapest (ash and Carry Prices in town SFF US for your building material nerds i JAMESON ft OWeVi umber 2605 Summer FA 4-4441 JONES LUMBER CO 1755 Airways ren Code 901 377 1621 Dogs ond Pes We Wish you A 'IS Happy New Year THE PINK POODLE ft Marcle I Clapp Jj Sidney Lehman 3183 Summer Ave 458-3222 yi Auction Sole 80 Holiday Greetings To ill our Friends and Customers Best Wishes for a wonderful year to YOUR FORI) TRACTOR DEALER TRACTOR CO 196 Notlii Main Mtmphii TtnnuiM 525-0282 377 Poplar Collitrvilla Tenrnmci IS3-H4M One See To It 18 2 606 1U 5 TUBELAR FOLDl1 CHAIRS Value quantity price $350 ea F'ne tor cnurches scnoo otrices etc 20-yr guarantee '-Teming Fur ri lure 2301 Third WH 8-2662 BUY YOUR pool tables toys Christ- mas cards and wrapping paper also ttood things to eat in our grocery dept All at real bargain prices Salvage 481 Mallory NEW 30 gal giass-lined hot water I CSodrs? and tank $22 £0 1 A FULMER SON 1745 Lamar 363-2920 KEEP IN SHAPE Professional steam cabinet exercise bike and Stauffer machine 391-4509 HIGH" TREAD" USED Regular tread and mud and snow tread All sizes at bargain orices 280 Poplar at Lauderdale PRACTICALLY NEW bicycle $40 I 'sed Westinghouse electric clothes drvr SJO 91? Perkins BROWNING auto 12 gauge 1 wheel tire size 800x14 new ww 685 7p58 HUU'TICil IV WPur Kivu cjn Used Westinghouse electric clothes dryer $40 232 Perkins OAK FIREWOOD delivered Ronnie ijn OAK FIREWOOD-4x4i $24 391-4092 -wrrd Haul or we ellver 4X4XB oenverea cord up 9591 iiAtit st-l wau-r neater caninei sink Bruno 994 Forest JA 6-0835 Fireplace wood 386-3023 ALL WINTER Items on Sale Georgian Hills Fabric 39 Wttklns bar stools Brk hase 3960327 GO-( ART plus traleTlteroTi? Jgj uniLrunwh juvpic 884-7426 884-7855 Mitchell Sood Thinas to Eat GROCERIES below wholesale prices' SALVAGE 481 Mallory i Diamonds-Jewelry WE PAY cash for diamonds old soldi tt 1ISO IIUV nuiii csiaiCS HMO liras Out of town inquries invited Free paved parking adioinmg buildma CEL MAX INC fl block South of Central Stationl 582 Main 525- 61(11 v'F SPECIALIZEIn huvina for cash DIAMONDS JfcWtLKY MLVfc-K Julius Goodman Son 113 Madison Musical Instruments -97 POT POURRI SALE ORGANS: Minshall 1295 Hammond ex Voioe i275 Wurlitzer Chord 1395 Wurlitzer new guarantee 1795 Free Regardless of price PIANOS: New Wurlitzer mahogany i495 New Chickenng reduced i345 Used Spinet 1295 Mirror Piano $195 Uprights electric 1150 GUITAR CLEARANCE: A large selection starting at (1950 DRUM SETS: From ilSO THE ONLY Houclc Piano Co 121 Union Open Thursday Evenings PIANOS AND ORGANS SAVE I SAVE! SAVE! dickering console $795 Everett Organ 2 manul $695 Organ prof 25 pedal $795 GRETSCH drum set 113950 BERL OLSWANGER INC 1745 Union 276-4476 PIANO BARGAINS Arrosonic Baldwin spinet wal save $300 wurutur spinet piano portable electric $250 One Miller spinet Wal $495 BERL OLSWANGER INC 804 Highland 327-5641 COMPLETE stock of new used pianos and organs at discount prices Expert tuning-repairing- 'webW-sell-trade-rent STUBER'S 1523 Union 274-7594 TUNE REPAIR PIANOS 1 IGFNElGROOME 27V7844 Sacrifice woo value bright silver 1965 Buescher trumpet Write Box J-766 care of mis paper FRENCH l'rov Spt just in like new at S350 saving Call Mr Miirley Hammond Organ Studio 687-4637 "PLAYER PIANO "rebuilt walnut $150 Excel buy Gcrmanlown 884- list HUDWIN Oigasonic spinel Willi peri ussiiiii Excel cond 452-063B ROGERS ORGAN Southern I'innn Orain Co 239 Cooner 77' 4S4 I'lANOS TUNED RFPAIR1 1) ROSS STAPLES 452-5046 324 7666 ARTLEY flute Aopraiseri fir S75 Excellent condition 275-373? SMAIl Piano i list 'uned $125 Will del 392 1226 Brown To Place Ad Dial 526-8892 Office Supplies 8V Filing Cabinet Bargains £ru SO 24" depth IiViVV A'l Heel transfer '5 fit lattar or SpacJa! clonout of diicontinutd lines of 4 drawer tttOI fill cabinet $4995 to $5495 Complete line of new end med desks end chain discount prices Army Surplus Outlet 91 Second 527-7384 Free Ctty Delivery I Sll GL 2-5684 244" McNEIL-Cl apu (pvt rml 2 RMS util "furn ean 1 large 2-rm sober gentleman S55 948-6412 'Jfaa'm- apls laoway "4-8114 STUDIO APT hdrm kit Adult care for child 272-7654 1267 Nicelv furn LR BR kit bath AC 275-7119 1646 HARBERT Garage apt AC utl Adults No pets $55 1294 BEAUREGARD 3 rms bath util clean $65 458-9796 275-7891 226 McNEIL Small apt oriv bath Poplar Crosstown Apts tor Sent Unfurn 1 21 $65-575 DECORATED NEW RES ACT 3077 WAYNOKA 2-bdrm apt 1 blk north of Walnut Grove Rd and Hayden St 1 blk west of High Tiled bath stove refrigerator V-blinds wired for gR 2 BATH LUXURY schools Carpets central AC elejrant kitchen See 1234 Harhert Jerry Frager Fealty Co 527-5551 Realtor 1st Natl bank Bldg 523-1701 OAK ACRES APTS 1122 CRAFT RD 397-9336 Charming 1 and 2 BR Spacious LR separate DR washer connection A-C swimming pool club room tennis court Rentals 35 MEDICAL CENTER 2 hedrooms $7950 Air conditioned stove refrigerator 1030 Meriwether apt 9 Open Aloenn Enterprises Inc 274-2502 Whitehaven Park Apts 1053 WHITAKER 2 BEDROOM Drapes carpets range refrigerator air conditioned Swimming pool $95 Mo 396-0135 170 Poplar Park- way Spacious 3 bo'rm apt Stove refrigerator furn S100 Apt Ml 2 bdrms 58750 Apt 3 open to inspect 324-0491 683-6481 1711 PENDLETON 2 BR air cond LR DR comb eat-in kit Stove refrigerator carpets 323-2294 683-8098 IriT RnM nnUMC ADTC lAUUUbUN UUW1NS AKib 2639 CENTRAL 2 bdrm apts $75 1 Bdrm $65 Laundry rm Swim-ming pool 458-3566 458-4756 Southern Ave Vicinity 637 HAYNES 2 Bdrm $55 Laundry Rm Messick School 458-9622 452-4645 1711 PENDLETON 2 Rs air cond LR comb eat in kit Stove refrigerator carpet 323-2294 683-8098 1016 PEABODY 2 bdrm central heat air 8950 Re 5 6400 HP 4-8743 Med 737 New One 1-BR apt left Carpets drapes AC turn avail 323-101 527-55S1 655 BELVEDERE Adults 5 large rooms stove refrigerator $89 with util pd No pets 276-3080 324-5332 MODERN spacious 3 bdrm stove refrigerator blinds large court area Chcrrv Garden Aots 1470 Wanda 458-5434 ONLY S55 Nice 2 BR stove refrigerator Ample closets water pd wash house available 32 7-5 7 7 0 327-76 9 8 2385 No 3 at Plcwav Redec 4 rms 6 closets 220 ac $50 Ajdults458-6100 682 6076 2-BR luxury 1069 Greenlaw Air cond central heat stove refrigerator drapes 6 8 2-34 25 GOOD Med Cli I or rn Poplar Clean 4-rm lower garage Adu ts 392-2704 275-5777 986' Unper 2 hedroom Stove box hint $75 523-1522 1231 Downstairs 4 rms" bath refrigerator stove $45 mo 274- 4450 121 3 bdrm heat andwater furn 274-8949 648 SO HAYNES near MSU 2 oeurm ani xn i4-4lt5 1099 PARKWAY Lower 2 hdrm Stove box heat $70 276-2372 2734 SOUTHERN Clean 2 lilt apt Garage $6850 Adults 327-9441 CROSSTOWN orra 3 rooms bath 274-9485 Sun after 5 weekday Apts jr Rent Furn 120 AIRWAYS PLAZA APTS 2227 Airways Blvd bdrms furn $139 (Util Furn) Unfurnished $114 (Util Furn) Centrally Air Conditioned Fencea Swimming Pool Res Apt 29 323-2775 274-5290 HOLIDAY TOWERS APARTMENT HOTEL Modern Efficiencies Offering: fl) Downtown Locution (2) ential Air Conditioning 13) Complete Hotel Services (4) Pres Inside Parking -Model Unit On $11100 UN FURNISHED $9500 Maid nnd $15 Mo Television $150 Mo Singe i I $10 ftiaillsnn Are S'jS-Mnl BUY 391 5639 PRESTIGE-AI'FECTION PROTECTION SHOW quality big bone AKC reg carman Shepherd puppy Championship lugworth bloodline Jack Mc Cny Rt 1 Box 31 Hwy 69 No Truman Ark REDUCED once Male poodle puppy $60 Beagle nunnies $15 $20 Also rabbits breeding stock 357-7403 FOR SALE AKC Registered i how puppies Black male $50 red fe male $55 PO Box 1 183 Jonesboio WE 5-5330 M1N schnauxer 10 wks female AKC Exc breeding Darling net $125 Good home onlv Privale 275 5813 BROKE BIRD DOG "started dogs and puppies for sflle Also 20 gauur Remington Phone Norman Grose 1S8-4941 I IRISH SETTER Champion blood line 6 weeks old 386 7003 REGISTERED male rat terrier dog 2 yrs old $25 Reg female puppy $15 357-1636 mmucr h-nlthir 'Pure Bred Sealpoint Not reg 386 AKC German Sheoherd ounoies females $40 ma'es $50 Also stud service Hernando 368-6152 AKC Pekingese ounnies Call after 5 an Mon Wed Thurs ft Fri 872- 4722 TWO Roslon Terrier puppies for sale Will be ready first week in January 391-9585 AKC Collie pups th sired tri-snblr white blue-merle Confederate iilirs 829 4974 REG GREAT DANE PI PPIFS9 nM 1861710 BIRD DOGS Guaranteed top m1 PoSrrIRdt-3S7a3r577 Rnhertson Rd 357-3577 POINTER 4 yrs old Reg male Setter 5 yrs old Rea female Chcan 327-3217 KIN French Poodle AKC rea 150 46e-V333 hD MALE miniature black noodle 9 mith- old $60 877 1711 ext 8595 TINY white tov poodle mmoies 2 females 7 weeks AKC 682-7493 2 TRAINED beiiales good gun dogs S50 pair 2926 So Wall 324 0070 REGISTERED AKC Black Tnn 398-5012 FOR SALE Rer Bnlany Spaniel bird gs 398-7270 SIAMESE Kittens (5) 8 weeks old 396 4228 AKC Male German Shepherd puppies excellent hlwid line 272-7675 WANTED Rea Dachshund small type grown male BR 5-6295 SILVER Poodle pups AKC petite miniaturcsW-PdyS TOY AKC registered apricot cnlor mule 2'j mos old 946 3682 WILL SOMEONE swap a toy poodl" for antique cut-glass? GL 87657 WHITE toy poodle puppies A Reg Very small Evenings 683 20B5 RABBITS ft CAGES 683-4940 co*ckER puppies AKC res' Mrs Cannon Brownsville Tenn 777-1756 MALE 6 Female pointers $60 nr 8 mn old 685-9683 TWO BEAGLE Trained female 1 male 872-1058 RI-'AUl I I'l i male fenulc phone 948-5241 POMS noodles Yorkshire terriers AKC reg 363-0450 Money to Loan Boyle Finance Go Improvement Real vjstnte Prrnonftl Anto LoHlf LOW BANK RATES See Tom Ilnmm 51(1 Mil 2nd at Monroe Longview Heights Section See Mrs 942-5666 Margolin Bros Realty Co 1028 Hollywood 327-5661 FRAYSER NEW 2 BDRMS 1705 Across street from Delano School New 4 rooms air conditioned Stove refrigerator water him V-blinds One mile north on Watkins from Chelsea $9450 PER MO FURN Res Agent Apt 3 358-4306 DATTEL REALTY CO 527-4336 Realtor 121 Jefferson EFFICIENCY Air Conditioned 1150 Jefferson $6450 Near Medical Center and town ee Mrs Rose 1160 Jefferson Apt 18 274 0479 Margolin Bros Realty Co 1028 Hollywood 27-5661 2284 SPRINGWOOD $6250 for this 2 bedroom upstairs apart- ment furnished Kh Danish modern furniture new refrigerator and Fedders window AC water furnished Call for appointment to see Wallace Johnson Homes Inc 3313 Jackson 45H005 LA MAR-AIR WAYS AREA 1423 LaPaloma No 2 Attractively decorated 2 BR Swimming pool laundry room Apply 1431 LaPaloma No 4 LARKIN-GOWAN Inc Realtors 275-8174 1475 Madison Prettiest Furniture A MUST TO SEE NEW-ALL LUXURY FEAURES 1394 Court $11250 unfurn $8750 1670 Monroe $11250 unfurn $8750 1224 Snowden $99 50 unfuin $7950 682-2864 or 274-3009 NOW AVAILABLE Lovely 2 BR aDt comDletely furn close to large shODDine area bus lines Water rd Beautiful swimmina oool Off street parkins $110 per mo Don miss this bargain 436 EJcllevui' fall 278 057 vnmKs FLAMINGO APTS 85 NO WATKINS Nicely furnished central heat ait cond 1 BR BR $100 Unfurn 1 BR carpeted $76 Water pd 682 2864 24-3009 SEE OUR AD UNDER UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS ALPERIN ENT INC 274-2502 VOLLINTINE COURTS Two hedroom ant beautifully fur nished air conditioned All utilities furnished Apply rental office 1022 watkins 2-56V5 995 NO AVALON Working couple nn pun mitiive ant I kitchen tub shower bath Onen 2 to 5 Sat 8c Sun blk from bur anil snooping center 65 plus util 275 9071 693 LAND1S Apt No 2 3rd house off Central 1 block West CBC 2 large rm efficiency: nvt entranc bath modern furniture AC all utilities paid J65 mo 527-4301 or 275-4897 Southern Ave Vicinity 637 HAYNES 2 bdrm J7" Laundry rm Messick School 458 9622 452-4645 "UTILITIES FURNISHED Air Conditioned Completely furn 1 BR S85 2 BR $95 Fxtra clean 327-7698 327-5720 397-1728 426 BELLEVUE 4 rms heat wa lurn mums V5-JIV GARAGE 3 nxm utilities furnished $85 mo 276-7420 1438 VINTON Couple 3 rooms pvt enlr llnlilies 275 473 3 RM ant private entrances Gas water run) 274-olit0 TWO ROOM GUKST HOUSE 423 AVALON HR 2-3630 III Furn ant and also I nn effii'iency 775-3870 33 GARLAND Sears" Nice 3 rm apt heal wnter gar lurn 274-260 NORTH Memphis 916 Knry 2 bedroom duplex $65 month 526-7582 DUI'LAP ori bath Vl blk bus 526-7013 OAKVIILF Largo 2 bedroom apartment Adult 12-9441 791 BREEDLOVE 3 rooms bath $15 wk mil Babv 386-1372 CENTRAL LAMAR ovely 3 nn bath Ml $5 Adults 458-9326 2 ROOMS pvt bath Adults GL 2-3670 ent util furn CONSOLIDATE $115 per month repays $322920 In 36 months ASSOCIATES LOAN INVESTMENT CO MUNnglon 5031 Navy Rd 872-3325 52 Sscond St JA 5-7288 766 South Highland FA 7-1688 Poplar Av BR 2-9681 3405 Sumnur Av 327-6125 LARGE stock of slightly damaged furniture and appliances at big savings TRUCK LINE SALVAGE 1727 Lamir 275-4048 TAKE UP PAYMENTS on BR I suite dinetic range refrigerator Rowsey's 2235 flrllevne 948 5651 BREAKFAST SUITES chests CTter5! bV! "Thanks for making 1965 the beitS ucyear for An he Camping trail-M: VI K578 Highland 458-854716 'WsKWJBBasyaKSKSs school girls al bus 775156 474 WILLI IT-Twin beds meils ont 27S 0843 GIRLS-Front BR iwin tied- "2 meals 7 dav $1 458 5003 74 BELVEDERE No -nunle You'll love 776 473 NIC! 3 in All pvt "Children 'ei come util paid 274-9519.

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Article information

Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 6614

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.