How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (2024)

16 March 2023, 10:28

How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (1)

Liszt - La Campanella Played on an LED Piano

By Maddy Shaw Roberts

How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (2)How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (3)

A standard piano has 88 keys: 52 white and 36 black. But who decided this number would be the norm, and why?

The king of instruments has played a significant role in music history – from concertos and sonatas, to nocturnes and trios, classical music would simply not be the same without the humble piano.

Here’s a look at the history of the instrument, and how it came to have the full, 88-key keyboard it boasts today.

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When was the first piano invented?

Before the piano was invented, composers wrote a lot of music for the harpsichord, which has just 60 keys. This meant that everything they wrote was limited to the harpsichord’s five-octave range.

But then, around the year 1700, Bartolomeo Cristofori, a musical instrument technician from Padua, Italy, decided it was time to update the harpsichord – and he came up with a new keyboard instrument with a hammer mechanism.

Cristofori was hired by the Florentine court of Grand Prince Ferdinando de’ Medici in 1688 to look after their harpsichords and, eventually, other instruments.

A 1700 inventory of Medici instruments mentions an ‘arpicimbalo’ (lit. an instrument resembling a harpsichord) invented by Cristofori. The instrument had a brand-new hammer and damper mechanism, two keyboards and a range of four octaves (49 keys).

Poet and journalist Scipione Maffei described it in 1711 as a ‘gravicembalo col piano, e forte’ (harpsichord with quiet and loud). It was here that the ‘pianoforte’, or simply the ‘the piano’, found its name.

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How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (4)

How did the piano come to have 88 keys?

After word got out of Cristofori’s miraculous musical invention, composers started writing more and more music for the piano.

But the instrument’s four-octave range was limiting. So, piano manufacturers designed new pianos with more keys, so that composers like Haydn and Mozart could write more challenging material for a fuller keyboard.

By the time Romantic composers like Chopin and Liszt were writing music in the mid-1800s, pianos had up to seven octaves, allowing them to compose pieces with an even more ambitious range like the bafflingly virtuosic ‘La Campanella’.

In the late 1880s, piano manufacturer Steinway created the 88-key piano. Other manufacturers followed suit, and Steinway’s model has been the standard ever since.

An 88-key piano has seven octaves plus three lower notes (B, B flat and A) below the bottom C.

It has 52 white keys and 36 black keys (sharps and flats), with each octave made up of seven white keys and five black keys.

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How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (5)

Why did piano manufacturers stop at 88 keys?

Today’s composers usually write piano music that fits within the range of an 88-key model. Most piano makers also accept this as the limit, because anything outside is considered too high or low for the human ear.

But there are a few exceptions. Stuart and Sons set a world record in 2018 when they created a nine-octave piano, with 108 keys.

Bösendorfer sells 97-key pianos, whose nine extra keys are coloured black so the pianist can distinguish them from the standard 88. The keys are rarely used, but the extra bass strings add harmonic resonance that contributes to the rich, overall sound of the instrument.

Here’s an idea of how they look on the rather grand Bösendorfer semi-concert grand piano, which has an extra four keys:

How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (6)
How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why... (2024)


How many keys does a standard piano have? It’s 88 – here’s why...? ›

An 88-key piano has seven octaves plus three lower notes (B, B flat and A) below the bottom C. It has 52 white keys and 36 black keys (sharps and flats), with each octave made up of seven white keys and five black keys.

Why does a piano have 88 keys and not 84? ›

So the reason for the 88 keys on the piano is to be treated as a ratio. The 88 keys means 8:8 keys (8 to 8 keys) anywhere on the piano will give you a way of finding root notes, chord bar- riers and the major and minor infludences on the piano. This will enable you to play piano and find chords straight away.

How many keys does a 88 piano have? ›

A typical piano has 88 keys spanning just over seven octaves. There are other, smaller keyboards or synthesizers that have fewer keys – most come in increments of 25, 32, 49, 61 or 72 keys.

Why are there only 88 keys on a piano but over 200 strings? ›

Pianos have 88 keys to cover the standard range of musical notes needed for most compositions. The over 200 strings are required because lower notes need multiple strings to achieve the desired volume and richness of sound.

Why are 88 key pianos so expensive? ›

Pianos are so expensive because they are one of the largest instruments and they are made of costly materials and assembled by hand. That much quality lumber simply costs a lot of money and that is before all the labor and craftsmanship.

Do you really need 88 key piano? ›

Most keyboards come with 66, 72, or 88 keys. For a beginner, 66 keys are sufficient for learning to play, and you can play most music on a 72-key instrument. For anyone interested in playing classical piano, however, a full 88 keys are recommended, especially if you plan on one day playing a traditional piano.

Is a 61 key piano bad? ›

61-key keyboards are often referred to as “starter” piano keyboards, and they're great for those just starting out. Even with fewer keys, there's still room to learn basic scales, melodies, and chords. Plus, the smaller size is perfect for home studios or on-the-go performances.

What do black keys on piano mean? ›

The black keys are flat and sharp notes. They use the same series of letters (A to G) but add “flat” or “sharp” to identify if they are the black key below or above the white key. For clarity, we refer to the white keys, those that are not flat or sharp, as natural notes.

What is the last key on a piano? ›

No matter the size, the first note and the last note on the piano keyboard is always white key. The first white key is a and the last white key is c.

Is there a piano piece that uses all 88 keys? ›

88 Keys, composed in 2004 by Carl Schroeder, is an 88-tone row for solo piano which utilizes each of the piano's 88 keys exactly once. The approximate performance time is one minute and fifteen seconds.

Is there A 100 key piano? ›

A typical full-sized piano has 88 keys! However, other pianos are shorter and have 44 to 72 keys! Some are even longer than the standard size and have 97 keys such as the Imperial Bösendorfer Piano that is 290cm long. The largest piano has 108 keys (the 9 octave piano), but these are rare.

Why is there no black key between E and F on the piano? ›

Two pairs of white keys—E/F and B/C—do not have black keys in between them (see Example 1). This is because E–F and B–C are both half steps.

Which piano has 108 keys? ›


World's First 108 Key Piano Installed by Stuart & Sons @ Beleura House.

What is the most important piano key? ›

The most important key on a piano is the one you're playing 'at that instant'. That goes the same for ANY instrument in fact. All the notes are there and all have EQUAL POTENTIAL.. they each become 'the most important note' the second you play them, whether they be plucked, hit, bowed or blown! ..

Why did piano manufacturers stop at 88 keys? ›

Most piano makers also accept this as the limit, because anything outside is considered too high or low for the human ear. But there are a few exceptions. Stuart and Sons set a world record in 2018 when they created a nine-octave piano, with 108 keys.

How much does a decent digital piano cost? ›

Summary of the Cost of Digital Pianos:
Digital PianoPrice Range
Compact Digital Pianos<$500
Entry-Level Digital Pianos$500-$1,000
Professional Portable Digitals$1,500-$3,000
Professional Stage Pianos$2,500 – $6,000
Feb 29, 2024

Why does the piano only have 88 keys? ›

Even if the compass were to be expanded by increasing the number of keys on the piano, to the human ear, the extra notes at the bass end would become nothing more than a rumbling noise, and the added treble notes would be heard as an unpleasant dissonant noise with no sense of being in a tonal range, and thus, ...

Can a piano have 85 keys? ›

Keyboards are most popular in 61-key and 76-key sizes, making them more portable. While uncommon, there are some acoustic pianos that have 85 keys.

What is a 76 key piano? ›

76 Key Digital Piano

These keyboards split the difference between 88 key and 61 key keyboard options. You still get a lot of keyboard real estate, but your 76 key digital piano or keyboard is still significantly smaller than its 88 key counterpart.


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